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Categoría: Educational

As of 31 December 2020 (Post-Brexit), all unmanned aircraft operations in the UK must adhere to the eighth edition of the CAP 722: Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace. However, members of model flying clubs including the British Model Flying Association (BMFA), Scottish Aeromodellers Association (SAA), Large Model Association (LMA), and FPV UK may choose to comply with a set of more flexible regulations that is known as “Article 16 Authorization”.

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Choosing your first RC radio can get rather confusing if you are a complete beginner. The array of technical jargon such as Mode 1 or Mode 2, TX protocols, trimming, mixing, and many more are enough to throw even the most enthusiastic newbie into the backseat. In today's blog, we will go through everything you need to know before buying your first RC Radio.

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Publicado en: May 4, 2021 | Publicado en: Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, RC Radios, RC Transmitters, Orange RX

El uso inadecuado de las baterías LiPo puede resultar bastante peligroso ya que son inflamables. Sin embargo, cuando se usan de manera responsable, los LiPos son tan peligrosos como sus usuarios. Aquí hay una guía rápida sobre cómo manipular, cargar, almacenar y descargar sus baterías LiPo de forma segura.

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Publicado en: May 14, 2021 | Publicado en: Battery, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, RC Battery, LiPo, LiPo 101

What makes a good 3D Aerobatics Plane? While basic maneuvers such as a simple loop can be achieved on most RC airplanes, three distinct features separate a true aerobatic plane from the rest. Here are the top 3 Aerobatic RC Planes at HobbyKing.

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Publicado en: May 18, 2021 | Publicado en: Planes, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, 3D Aerobatics, Aerobatic RC Plane

It is a prerequisite for all UA operators to complete an online theory test and pass the online examination before flying under the open category. In this blog, we will look at the training requirements needed to operate in the open category. 

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Publicado en: Jun 3, 2021 | Publicado en: News, Drones, General News, Planes, Helicopters, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, EASA Regulation, Open Category

Center of Gravity (CG): How to Balance your RC Plane

Center of Gravity – abbreviated as CG or CoG – is a crucial concept that is often overlooked by many beginner RC pilots. When not properly balanced, your aircraft will have adverse tendencies making it uncontrollable, unpredictable, and ultimately, poised for a disaster.

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Publicado en: Jun 17, 2021 | Publicado en: Planes, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, CG, Center of Gravity

Iniciarse en la afición a los aviones RC (teledirigidos) puede ser bastante confuso. Pero no tiene por qué serlo, sólo hay que saber por dónde empezar. Cuando aprendes matemáticas, empiezas por los números; en el caso de los aviones RC, empiezas por las piezas. En este blog, desglosamos las principales piezas y superficies de control de un avión RC que te ayudarán a surcar los cielos a toda velocidad.

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RC Plane: Internal Combustion Engine or Electric Motor

Back in the day, most, if not all RC planes were powered by internal combustion (IC) engines. However, today, electric-powered planes (EP) easily make up the majority of the commercial market. So, the question is: Are EP planes better than IC planes? The short answer is “NO” - they both have their own pros and cons and in today’s blog, we will (objectively) look at both power choices.

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Publicado en: Jun 30, 2021 | Publicado en: Planes, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, Internal Combustion Engine, Electric Powered Planes

Las baterías de polímero de litio (LiPo) han superado indiscutiblemente a todas sus predecesoras. Sin embargo, tienen un inconveniente: la seguridad. Como pueden incendiarse o incluso explotar, es necesario tener mucho cuidado y disciplina cuando se trata de LiPos. Si se utilizan de forma responsable, el riesgo y la magnitud de un accidente se reducen considerablemente.

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Publicado en: Jun 30, 2021 | Publicado en: Battery, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, LiPo Battery, Charge LiPo Battery, LiPo Battery Beginners

Un regulador electrónico de velocidad (ESC) es un circuito electrónico cuya finalidad principal es variar la velocidad de un motor eléctrico y su dirección.

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Publicado en: Jul 2, 2021 | Publicado en: Planes, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: ESC, Electronic Speed Controllers
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