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Categoría: Educational

Cuando se trata de almacenar sus baterías LiPo, hay dos aspectos que debe tener en cuenta: el aspecto químico y el aspecto físico. Ambos son igualmente importantes y si se descuida o se minimiza cualquiera de ellos, sus LiPos pueden dañarse y potencialmente ponerlo en peligro.

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Publicado en: Jul 5, 2021 | Publicado en: Battery, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, LiPo Batteries 101, LiPos for Beginners, Storing LiPos

Como ya sabrá, cualquier cosa que tenga que ver con LiPos debe hacerse en contra de una doctrina estricta, y tirar sus LiPos no es diferente. Tú "puedes" ser ese tipo que arroja imprudentemente su LiPo en cualquier contenedor al azar. Sin embargo, esto plantea el riesgo de un incendio o incluso una explosión que puede dañar gravemente a otras personas que se encuentren en el lugar equivocado en el momento equivocado.

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Publicado en: Jul 5, 2021 | Publicado en: Battery, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, LiPo Battery, LiPo 101

This guide - as the title says - is a ROUGH guide and offers a basis from which to choose a power train for your model. It is not intended to be a definitive guide but will help you get into the air with performance that will make your introduction to electric RC flying enjoyable.

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Publicado en: Jul 9, 2021 | Publicado en: General News, Planes, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: electric flight, electric flight basics, HobbyKing

Outerzone is... sharing

What is Outerzone? Outerzone is a database containing model RC aircraft plans from vintage or defunct plans. Since 2011, Outerzone is an RC-community-backed site that started mainly as a repository for free flight, control line, radio control, and Round-the-pole airplane plans for balsa models to keep those plans from being lost in time and for future pilots to enjoy. now has over 13,000 plans for download and regularly receives new plans from the community.

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 Harvard MK IV

In 1964, Bill Stead organized an air race near Reno, Nevada, and the Reno National Championship Air Races were born. Since then, Reno Air Races, officially known as the STIHL National Championship Air Races, takes place every September at the Reno Stead Airport a few miles north of Reno, Nevada with races in 6 classes and demonstrations by airshow pilots.

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Cuando comienzas por primera vez en el pasatiempo, es posible que todos los diferentes tipos de aviones RC te resulten bastante confusos. Quizás hayas oído hablar de ellos antes; sin embargo, ¿sabe qué implica cada tipo o en qué se diferencian? Aquí hay ocho tipos populares de aviones RC explicados para ayudarlo no solo a encontrar un avión que se adapte a sus gustos, sino que también satisfaga sus necesidades.

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Publicado en: Aug 10, 2021 | Publicado en: Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, Types of RC Planes, RC Plane Types, RC Plane Types Explained A Social Media Platform for RC Pilots


Log On, Take Off: A Social Media Platform for RC Pilots is the newest and most innovative online platform for RC enthusiasts ever to hit the internet. That’s a bold claim by the creators of RCPilot that we wanted to test. Here’s what we found.

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Publicado en: Oct 12, 2021 | Publicado en: News, Featured Articles, Educational |Etiquetas: RCpilot, rc pilot,, rc hobby
How To Set Up Buddy Boxing for RC Radios

What is Buddy Boxing?

Buddy boxing or buddy box refers to a training system where two RC aircraft radio systems are joined together so an experienced pilot teaches a beginner pilot how to fly their aircraft.

Buddy boxing is accomplished by joining the Student and Master transmitters via cable or wireless. The instructor gives the student control of the aircraft via a switch (or button) on most transmitters. At the same time, in case the student has problems piloting, the instructor can regain control by pressing the switch.

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Actualmente, hay CINCO líneas de baterías distintas en HobbyKing: Turnigy, Graphene, Rhino, ZIPPY y Nano-Tech. Cada uno tiene sus propias fortalezas y puntos de venta únicos y en el blog de hoy, cubriremos en qué se diferencia cada uno.

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Publicado en: Nov 25, 2021 | Publicado en: Battery, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, Batteries, Turnigy, Graphene, Rhino, ZIPPY

Mod Tech Monday - Gloster Gladiator Painting and Weathering Part 1

Mod Tech Monday - Gloster Gladiator Painting and Weathering Part 1

The recently released Durafly Gladiator helpfully comes out of the box painted but WITHOUT the decals applied, so is screaming out for a custom scheme, and with some basic tools, readily available paints, and a good bit of patience you can quite easily paint and weather the Gladiator to really make it stand out from the crowd.

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