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Categoría: Planes

Building A Smart Plane with iNav - Article #3


In the previous articles we’ve covered what iNav is and what it can do for a fixed wing pilot.

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Publicado en: Nov 16, 2017 | Publicado en: Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginners, Intermediate

Building a Smart Plane with iNav - Article #2

Written by Painless360


In the last article we looked at one of the versions of Cleanflight/Betaflight that had focused on the GPS code and also spending time on supporting us fixed wing pilots too.

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Publicado en: Nov 16, 2017 | Publicado en: Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginners, Intermediate

Building a ‘Smart’ Plane with iNav – Article #1

Written by Painless360


I got into radio control via small planes and helicopters before being bitten by the quadcopter bug.

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Publicado en: Nov 16, 2017 | Publicado en: Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginners, Intermediate

What Makes A Good Aerobatic Plane

Written by MichaelWargo As many of you know, I am an aerobatic pilot. I have needs for my airlplanes that exceed standard control offered by warbirds and sport scale models. I need to roll straight, make tight loops and with 3d flying and I need to perform post-stall maneuvers with the plane flying very slow, or even stalled and hovering.

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Publicado en: Nov 16, 2017 | Publicado en: Planes |Etiquetas: Beginners, Intermediate

How To Fix a Broken LIPO Balance Lead

Repairing a battery could be dangerous so from the outset you must assume this procedure has inherent risks that you must mitigate.

LIPO batteries are volatile and if damaged or punctured could catch fire. For that reason you should not perform this task indoors.

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Publicado en: Nov 16, 2017 | Publicado en: Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginners, Intermediate

A Sound System For Your Model RC Aircraft

I recently started building a 2.4m balsa, SR-9 Stinson reliant and almost without warning I was bitten by the scale bug. Before you know it you’re adding details here and there and getting a little carried away.I started wondering what would be required to add a sound system to a plane and ultimately, adding that next level of detail.

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Publicado en: Nov 16, 2017 | Publicado en: Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginners, Intermediate

H-King EZIO 1500EP Review


There are pilots that love to fly fast and their models flip and roll across the sky. Some pilots, like me, prefer the easy-going lazy style of flying with loops and rolls but with more graceful (I’d like to think) controlled flying.

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Publicado en: Nov 16, 2017 | Publicado en: Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

Durafly D.H.100 Vampire

Written by Painless360

For those of us in the UK, the De Havilland DH100 plane has a special place in our hearts. It first took to the skies on the 20th September 1946 and was still in use up until 1979 in South Africa.

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Publicado en: Nov 16, 2017 | Publicado en: Planes |Etiquetas: Beginners, Intermediate

An in Depth Look at the Avios Bushmule

Written by gozerian

I fell in love with this airplane the moment that I pulled it out of the box. It was well packed and sealed to protect it during transport and this is important when you consider just how far a model has to travel to make it half way around the world.

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Publicado en: Nov 16, 2017 | Publicado en: Planes |Etiquetas: Beginner, Intermediate

Michael Wargos Top Ten Flying Tips (Plus 1)

Written by gozerian

The following are the best tips I have compiled from many sources and contributors.

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Publicado en: Nov 16, 2017 | Publicado en: Planes |Etiquetas: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate
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