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BSR Racing M.RAGE 4WD M-Chasis - Bola Dif. juego completo

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BSR Racing M.RAGE 4WD M-Chasis - Bola Dif. juego completo


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BSR Racing M.RAGE 4WD M-Chasis - Bola Dif. juego completo

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gigaplex | Comprador verificado

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Item description inaccurate

Feb 15, 2018

I ordered this and instead of receiving the ball diff as described, they sent me the optional gear diff that requires additional parts, one of which HobbyKing doesn't sell

Pascal | Comprador verificado

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Good basic product but not available as spare part

Nov 14, 2017

If you broke it at rear car you can't have another.
You receive a pinion diff only made for front diff (with options parts)
There is two spare parts with the same reference number (#9562000091-0)

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