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Busy Bee-eléctrico del avión W / motor, servo, ESC (Gran para FPV)

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Busy Bee-eléctrico del avión W / motor, servo, ESC (Gran para FPV)


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Perfecto para el uso FPV, ya que 'es resbaladiza superficie hace que para largos tiempos de vuelo y la hélice montada trasera es perfecta para la ubicación de la cámara en la parte delantera.
Más eficiente que un foamie, este plano le mantendrá en el aire para la diversión FPV ya!
Fácil de volar para los principiantes con características de vuelo estables
Hedgehopping baja velocidad a una velocidad de 10 kmh
El peso ligero con anti-chocan
Diseño de bajo CG con una estabilidad especial
Rendimiento anti-pitch
Controlable tren de aterrizaje de la nariz, fácil de volar
Fundido a presión de diseño fácil de reemplazar las piezas de repuesto
Ala sólida (para el aviador lento)
Ala recortada (volante deportivo)
Vuelo estable con rollos, bucles, y vuelo invertido

Envergadura: 1120mm
Longitud: 1085mm
Volar Peso: 650 g
Superficie de las alas: 24dm2
Ala de carga: 27 g / dm2
Servo: 3x9g
Motor: Potente sin escobillas 2822kv outrunner
ESC: 18A
Objeto: 9x5
Su propia TX y RX
1700mAh 2S Lipo (7.4v)
Nota: El color puede variar de la foto.
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Cliente | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 15, 2010

El material de fabricacin deja mucho que desear muy fragil, se me hizo mil trozos en un aterrizaje forzoso :-(

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Customer Rated

Jul 28, 2010

I ordered by Busy Bee July 21, 2010 and received it July 23, 2010 in Manila. No shipping damage. The prop that came with it is too long as it would hit the boom. I cut it it size, balance, and it went ok. Flight is very predictable. Can be fast or slow. The loops are slow as the motor power is barely enough. Rolls are steady. But best of all, it can be slow and stable, and it glides well. Reinforce the front landing gear mechanism.

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Customer Rated

Jun 29, 2010

I really like this plane. It is well behaved, and perfect for my FPV setup. I crashed it on my first flight, it is not the strongest, but very easy to repair. Motor is fine. I converted it to a tail dragger and now takes off from the ground easy. 3s 1350 mAh works great.

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Customer Rated

Jun 12, 2010

Regular updating of shipping details was great.

The plane is designed well and easy to put together. The cockpit area with the clear canopy will be great for installing a camera as there is such a large area for the camera. The packaging is well thought out. Can't wait to fly it

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 20, 2010

Great plane. Seems the stock motor is under power for aerobatic flight. It's fine for those start learning. I'm stick to the stock motor for training purpose and give more flight time.

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Customer Rated

Apr 01, 2010

Tutto ok batteria montata 11.1 1300mha volo pulito ottimo x riprese video,carrello non resistente

Ja7y | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 21, 2010

This little guy is really fun. I have had not problems preparing it for flight. It was ready to fly in about 30-45 minutes.

It is not made out of the best materials on the market but what do you expect for an ARF costing $59. The first flight was just fine even though it was a very windy day. It is a really amazing little plane for the price.

sgr_81 | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 15, 2009

Hoy vole este avin luego de haberlo recibido el martes pasado, la armada fue muy rpido.. como 40 minutos, se tuvieron que realizar algunos ajustes, como que el ala no encaja perfectamente y la llanta delantera la tuvimos que rotar un poco con mucha fuerza..... lueog de eso el avin volo muy bien... la verdad fuera de los detallitos es un buen avin para comenzar... saludos

Looka | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 31, 2009

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- 80, , .

Geminy | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 25, 2009

Mont en peu de temps, facile prendre en main. Il est stable et intressant pour les dbutants.

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