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Evento del club del paquete de soporte ($ 100 Valor de Reembolso)

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Evento del club del paquete de soporte ($ 100 Valor de Reembolso)


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¿Está pensando en organizar un evento de club con más de 30 personas?
¿Está buscando premios o una forma de promover su evento?
El evento del paquete de soporte club incluye trofeos, certificados de regalo de gran tamaño y una gran pancarta 1500x750mm para promover y mejorar la participación en eventos de su club.
Los certificados de regalo de gran tamaño y extra grandes trofeos personalizados ayudarán a crear excitación y fomentar la participación miembro. Los trofeos son personalizados sólo para su evento; usted puede tener sus propias MASTERS '3D' o 'COMPETENCIA PILÓN' justo en su propio club!

Así es como funciona:
Compra el Pack CES y durante su evento de tomar fotos de la gente de allí, el concurso y la entrega de los premios. Enviar por correo electrónico las imágenes a que nos muestran al menos 30 personas a su evento y nosotros acreditaremos su cuenta HobbyKing por una suma de $ 100. Eso es correcto - se obtiene un total de $ 90 en certificados de regalo, dos trofeos y una bandera de forma gratuita!

2 x de gran tamaño $ 20.00 Vales de 230x500mm
1 x de gran tamaño de regalo $ 50.00 Certificado de 230x500mm
1 x X-Large Bienvenido 1500x750mm Banner
2 x de gran tamaño Trofeos 100 mm Diámetro (Vamos a aplicar un mensaje personalizado en la parte posterior de sus especificaciones)

Una CSR de nuestro equipo le enviaremos un correo electrónico para confirmar el texto que desea que aparezca en los trofeos.
Fotos del evento deben ser claras y mostrar el evento, las personas y los premios que se entregaron.
Las fotos serán publicados tanto en nuestro sitio web y en nuestro foro. Así que no seas tímido!
Su evento del club debe contener más de 30 personas. (No estamos demasiado estricta con el número de personas que participan. Si podemos ver en las fotografías que su evento tiene alrededor de 30 personas, entonces eso es lo suficientemente bueno para nosotros!)

Deje un buen tiempo entre la colocación de su pedido y el desarrollo de su evento. Está completamente personalizado y realiza sobre una base de caso por caso.
No, los trofeos de oro no están hechas de chocolate.

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__4*60 | Comprador verificado

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May 30, 2016

This was agreat item. People were impressed with Hobby King and I'm sure our little event brought in new customers. Was it too popular? Because I wouod love to see it return. Should have seen the smiles on the visiting winners!!

Sandman123 | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 25, 2015

We used this product for Our Annual NIPMAC Fun Fly in North Bay Ontario Canada this past Week end. Hope it all works out . It is a fantastic concept.
Thank-you for your Support.


__4*60 | Comprador verificado

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Aug 18, 2015

Ordered the package. Held our event and took photos of presentations and activities. Submitted photos and very quickly received my "points". People really appreciated the giveaways and Hobby Kings interest in clubs and events (PR of course). Well done!

Joey | Comprador verificado

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Jun 29, 2015

This is a decent deal, I like that they just handle it and you don't have to contact them to have nobody respond.

I have a fly-in at the end of July and we're having a raffle for this.

*yes* you get store credit back for the $100, they aren't "scamming" this is how donations work sometimes. If you don't want the credit then don't get it.

The only disappointing part the banner, I expected to get the banner I see in the pictures listed and you don't you get a 6' HK banner with no room to ad a title. it lowers the value a little since now I have to have a banner made for the event.

CyberAvner | Comprador verificado

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Mar 25, 2015

The codes on the gift certificates don't work.
Didn't get a refund after sending pictures of the event.
Contacted customer support several times but none of the issues has been resolved.

totoma | Comprador verificado

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Feb 03, 2014

Thank you HobbyKing, the event was great, and the 100$ refund was very fast, just one email to CS with all the photo and get it within a few days.
the only problem that I can see now is the shipment cost... the weight of the Packet is 1530.. too havey....

FRENCHSTAN | Comprador verificado

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Jan 03, 2014

DO NOT PURCASE THIS OFFER. IT IS A RIPOFF. I am in the middle of my second Club Event Support Package in three years, and once again it is a fiasco! Note that it is EASY to order, pay for, and receive the C.E.S.Package. However, the problems begin when club members try to redeem the PAID FOR gift certificates. They write in the 16 digit alpha-numeric code, using the correct UPPER and lower case letters, and they do NOT GET THEIR CREDIT! Then the club members all complain to me that they can't redeem their PAID FOR gift certificates. This had happened both times I tried this CESP. <> The next quagmire comes when I don't get my $100 credit after I send in all the required photos to validate that we held the event. I sent the photos of the HK banner, HK award medallions, and the HK gift certificates and the 40 attendees. But, after 2 weeks went by, I didn't even get acknowledgment that the photos were received. I finally contacted HK "Customer Support", only to have them repeatedly misunderstand and/or lose my additional verification info. Finally, they acknowledged they had my photos all along, and CS closed my complaint ticket, BUT I STILL DID NOT GET THE $100 CREDIT! So now I am starting all over again. This seemed like a nice gesture on Hobby King's part, but the "end game" is a mess. It did not work 2 years ago, and it still does not work.

UPDATE: I just received ANOTHE

totoma | Comprador verificado

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Jan 14, 2013

just got the package, medals are in excellent quality. Can not wait for the event.
Just notice the relatively long delivery time, invite at least two months before the date of the event.
I will update about the refund process after the event.
Thanks HK,

Erik | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 06, 2012

Un producto excelente para patrocinar eventos locales, gran rapidez en grabar las medallas y enviarlo a Espaa.
El reintegro de los $100 lo hicieron al da siguiente de mandarles las fotos! Muchas gracias Chris.

Erik | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 27, 2012

A five crowns product with a five crowns service: medals were grabbed as expected and quickly, and money was refunded the same day I mailed pics of the event. We are going to repeat next year!

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