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(Terminado) Hobbyking extra 330L gas 30cc 1.830 mm (ARF)

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(Terminado) Hobbyking extra 330L gas 30cc 1.830 mm (ARF)


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Esta impresionante mirando 330L Extra es un,, máquina de decir pura 3D! La magnífica construcción ultraligera, que cuenta con un fuselaje columna vertebral sábanas para la fuerza, mantiene el peso mínimo de volar, esta pareja con un motor de gas 30cc o Turnigy equivalente eléctrico y tiene un rendimiento verticales sin límites!

Las alas y los estabilizadores horizontales se enchufan para facilitar el transporte, las plumas de la cola no son de hoja plana, pero de perfil aerodinámico completo, las superficies de control son fácilmente lo suficientemente grande para maneouvers 3D. Timón es tirar / tracción y bola de alta calidad, ligada barras de control se utilizan a lo largo de la precisión y fiabilidad.

El revestimiento aplicado previamente es brillante y de un nivel muy alto, la combinación de colores brillantes que es liso de color rojo brillante en la parte inferior, es ideal para la orientación. Se trata de un modelo en 3D de alta calidad que es también un volante deportivo ideal para cada día cuando se estableció en las tasas bajas, en cualquier caso, es un verdadero actor y un espectador de verdad!

Envergadura: 1.830 mm
Longitud: 1592mm
Área de ala: 66.6dm2
Peso del vuelo: 4100g
Motor: 26cc (deporte) ~ 30cc (3D) del motor de gas (no incluido)

Se requiere:
Su propio canal 6 TX / RX
6 x MG High Torque Digital Servo Std tamaño
26cc ~ 30cc motor de gas (o 1.20 ~ 1.40 Nitro)
UBEC / regulador
Batería Lipo RX

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Nirgal4 | Comprador verificado

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Jul 28, 2015

My god !
Used to Seagull kits and I was hoping to have something "not too bad" with this bird.
Amazing !
Finish is superb and hinges and clevis are good quality, the fiber cowl is nicely reinforced with wood so it's very rigid, quality fell is much better than Seagull.

Very pleased with it ..

anthony | Comprador verificado

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Jul 25, 2015

Kit arrived well packed good covering but the elevator hinges where missing along with the fixing bolts for the canopy cowl and tail plane. The elevator control arms far to short .
The mounting box for the engine had to shortened by 30mm and the airelons were badly

AUS 22897 | Comprador verificado

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Jul 14, 2014

This ARF was another quality kit from Hobby King. The fit and finish of the parts was excellent, and the only blot on the review was the fact that the supplied control links for the dual elevators were too short. Minor fix. I used all the other supplied hardware and it was of high quality. The finish of the covering was also excellent with no loose ends or signs of lifting from the airframe. As is normal with all my models, I ran over all bare wood joints with clear varnish to help in the long time life of the plane. DLE 20 installed (even though it is designed for 30cc, I believe the 20 will be enough for aerobatics).

Flight test and review to follow.

Wolf | Comprador verificado

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Aug 09, 2013

A nice looking plane, not quite matching the image above.

No Manual of any sort accompanied the box. HobbyKing tried to find one, but without success.

Completing the model requires some experience and takes a couple of hours. The model comes with the longer canopy of the two seater Extra. it could fit better.

Wing span is 1.86m, not 1.83. Very good finish without any bubbles, no need to get the iron out. Hardware is complete, but the push rods of the elevator are too short and require a replacement. The nuts to fix the elevators are not well glued - CA isn't right for that purpose - and when the fall into the tail of the fuselage it's very difficult to fix them. Some hole drilled are slightly out.

The airframe without engine, tank and RC equipment weighs just 3kg, which is a very good weight. The finished aircraft without fuel but 3 batteries (2 receiver, 1 ignition) weighs 5.5 kg.

I like petrol engines and did consider either a 30 or 35cc engine. I chose a DLE 35RA, which fits nicely into the cowl. For this engine and any other petrol engine the engine mount box is 30mm too long. I did cut 30mm off the middle of the box end added 3mm plywood all round, glued with 20 min epoxy.

The elevator servos next to the elevator simplify the installation, but make the aircraft tail heavy, requiring to add some weight to the nose of the fuselage - about 250g. I've balanced the

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