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Corona sintetizado receptor de 4 canales 36 MHz (v2)

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Corona sintetizado receptor de 4 canales 36 MHz (v2)


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36 MHz Corona sintetizó el receptor de 4 canales

Tire a la basura sus cristales, decir adiós a problemas técnicos! El nuevo receptor sintetizado Corona está aquí!
Esta unidad funciona con transmisores sintetizados existentes o transmisores de cristal. De hecho, la exactitud de este receptor mejorará el rendimiento de todos los transmisores de cristal de 36MHz.
El RP4S1 es el más pequeño y más ligero sistema sintetizado disponibles en la actualidad. Este pequeño tamaño no afectar la calidad de recepción o el rendimiento ya que esta unidad tiene el mayor alcance disponible de cualquier receptor Corona además una sensibilidad mayor que 2uV. Las pruebas han demostrado la gama de ser más de 1 milla!

La nueva tecnología poner en la serie de receptores sintetizado Coron es verdaderamente excepcional y sin duda hará pensar dos veces acerca de la actualización a un 2,4 GHz más caro.
Echar un vistazo en el sitio web para más detalles Coronas;

Peso 0,14 oz / 4,0 g (sin envoltura retráctil)
Sensibilidad sobre 2.0ìV
La selectividad ± 8 kHz a 65 dB abajo
Número de canales 1-4
Filtrado Dual volvió circuitos de RF
Filtrado de doble filtro cerámico de 4 polos
Filtrado de filtrado DSP en MCU con el algoritmo leve
Cambio de polaridad positiva o negativa (detección automática)
Caso Retráctil
4.8V Voltaje de funcionamiento ~ 6.0VDC
Operativo 11mA actual
Modular FM / PPM (posición de modulación por impulsos)

* Unidad (versión 2) ha sido revisada con las siguientes resoluciones;
-Aumento De la unión con varios radios de marca.
cuestión de servo bloqueo -Corregido.
-Corregido Canal 2 fluctuación tema cuando se utiliza con ciertos transmisores.

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__rob | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 27, 2013

works well looks so small next to the old cristal receiver .easy to bind and good range. and no glitches.

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 07, 2012

Excellent receiver, locked onto tx fast, cheap enough to put one in each model and forget about it, I wish I had got more of these instead of the Corona RS41011 with mini crystals, for which I have not been able to find matching TX crystals, HK do you sell them? How about selling a packet of 10 matching Tx crystals.

Edward | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 01, 2011

Great value for the money, hardly glitchless, but no worse than any other receiver I have, will certainly buy again and would recomment, will try the 6channel next.

Phill63 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 20, 2011

Binds very easily. Range is good. Solid link.

BensG4 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 05, 2011

Awesome receiver, using it with my skyfun kit. I lose orientation of the plane before i lose connection with the receiver. Best 4ch fm synthesized receiver you can buy. And the Price! have bound it with a JR 9XII with synthesized 36MHz module, Futaba 9C super with 36mhz synthesized module, and also a random tx that came in a rtf kit on 36hz. Thanks HK!

Nissan Convert | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 13, 2011

Only one word to describe this unit "FANTASTIC". Replaced Futaba R136F & works faultlessley with the 4YF-FM. So good I bought a second one.

Cliente | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 08, 2011

Great little receiver for the price, easy to use and tunes into your channel quickly. I gave it 4 stars because I bought this to go with a plane that needed V-tail mixing, and I don't have a computer radio, and this receiver does NOT work properly with a plug-in V-tail mixer. The servos jitter, don't move in the right directions, don't mix properly, go full throws with only the slightest stick movement and generally go nuts. So if you want V-tail with this receiver, you'll need a computer radio.

sweetstik | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 04, 2010

a great little Rx. Very easy to set up. Works very well and seems to have very good range. As good as the 8 channels I have been using [a waste in small electrics!]

cdm09 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 24, 2010

Excellent with my JR Tx. Will be buying three more

George C | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 20, 2010

Great Rx for the price. I had a little trouble getting it to bind but I persevered and success with both Hitec and my Multiplex mc4000 Tx's. Would highly recommend and have bought more.

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