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Recubrimiento de película Grill-trabajo Rojo / Blanco Pequeño (20mm) Cuadrados (5mtr)

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Recubrimiento de película Grill-trabajo Rojo / Blanco Pequeño (20mm) Cuadrados (5mtr)


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hierro 5Mtr Grill-trabajo en la cobertura de film retráctil
638mm ancho

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Kevin Fairgrieve | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 13, 2015

Simply the best film you will find for the money.

Paolo | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 15, 2014

in the past I ever used oracover and orastick to cover my aircrafts, but after I discovered this thermofilm proposed from Hobbyking I am using exclusively this thermofilm to cover from the first moment my airplanes. Only when I make some little repair on the wings or tail or anywhere I prefer to use orastick because this film has an side yet adhesive and so the film can be applied first at best without any hot application.
If it's possibile to use hobbyking thermofilm similar to orastick surely I will use more neither orastick.
The termofilm Hobbyking is more resistent and strong respect any other thermofilm of other competitors. It is a very and pleasint surprise for all the modellers with the best quality price of all the market. One question is not clear: the name of the maker and where this product is made because "Chinacover" name is too much undefined specially if in China ther'are other similar maker.....

rlilayu | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 27, 2014

Excelente calidad casi como un monokote. Y muchsimo ms barato

JensS | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 21, 2014

Very very nice item. I can use it without any problem.

valbg | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 18, 2014

Very good film. Suitable for bellies of airplanes

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 06, 2013

film thermo de bonne qualit, se pose tres bien, a la particularit de bien resister la tension et de plus ne bouge pas dans le temps, rsiste aux herbes dans les terrains

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