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CRI-CRI MC-15 Escala ultraligero 1778mm Balsa ARF

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CRI-CRI MC-15 Escala ultraligero 1778mm Balsa ARF


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Posiblemente uno de los modelos más inusuales escala verá este año - El Cri-Cri!

La escala completa Cri-cri es pequeña, con una envergadura de 4,9 metros diminuta, de hecho, es el más pequeño del mundo que lleva la aeronave bimotor humano. Diseñado por el ingeniero aeronáutico francés Michel Colomban y voló por primera vez en la década de 1970, este avión inusual está siendo construido por los constructores aficionados de hoy.

El Cri-cri fue diseñado desde el principio para ser un avión de alto rendimiento, demostrada por su rápida velocidad de crucero de 100 nudos y la tasa de ascenso 1.300 pies / min, de manera sorprendente la Cricri es lo suficientemente fuerte como para soportar las acrobacias aéreas limitadas.

Nuestro modelo de Cri-cri se basa en el modelo MC-15 (que es accionado por motores de 15 CV JPX monocilíndrico de 2 tiempos), con una envergadura de 1778mm en realidad es 1: 2.75 escala - ligeramente mayor que 1/3 escala! El modelo se construye a partir de balsa de alta calidad y capas de luz que asegura una fuerte y rígida - fuselaje peso pero ligero. Sus góndolas de motor se moldean unidades de fibra de vidrio. Su vehículo de tres ruedas debajo del pedestal es muy fuerte, que ofrece un dirigible rueda de morro y pintadas pantalones de la rueda de fibra de vidrio. Cubierto en Oracover brillante con una combinación de colores auténticos que sin duda se ve la parte!

El montaje de este modelo es sencillo con la estructura del avión 90% definitiva de la caja. El ala y el ascensor son a la vez atornillados en su lugar la toma de assembley campo y el transporte fácil. El sistema de energía de la opción es de 2 x 35 mm motores outrunners con un par de 40 amperios CES.

El rendimiento de vuelo modelos contrasta con apariencia incómoda la de Cri-Cri, ella vuela con la autoridad y la respuesta de control es precisa sin ser demasiado nervioso. Volado rápido o lento que es una gato del gatito!

Quiere destacarse en la multitud? A continuación, el Cri-Cri es para usted!

• Tubo CF Ala
Las barras de control • Pull / Tire del timón, cuernos de carbono y la bola Linked
• Construcción de alta calidad Balsa
• Construcción de peso ligero pero fuerte
• Por expertos Cubierto de calidad que abarcan
• Alto Brillo pintado las góndolas de motor de fibra de vidrio y pantalones de la rueda
• esquema de color auténtico
• Capa montaje del motor con tuercas ciegas PREINSTALDO
• Tornillo en el ala y el ascensor

Envergadura: 1778mm
Longitud: 1400mm
Ala Área: 39.3 dm2
Peso del vuelo: 3000g

Manual de instrucciones
Todo Hardware

Se requiere:
Su propia 6 canales de TX / RX
2 x 35 mm sin escobillas del motor Outrunner
2 apoyos -12x4 x 11x6
5 x 11g-15g servos
2 x 40A ESC
Batería Lipo 3S 4000-5000mAh

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sourimant | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 22, 2014

le cricri avion original le kit bien pens entoilage de bonne qualit
conseils pour le capot A B S renforcer tissu de verre rsine
moteur SK3 3536 1200 hlices 11x5.5 batterie 4s 2200
poids en ordre de vol 3kg
l'appareil vole trs bien

U | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 10, 2014

The frame and wings are nicely put together, with the exception of the tail locating pin which I had to modify to fit. The marking on the tail for the pins was correct, but the drill operate missed, and the QA missed the fault. All the nuts were 3mm, and the screws, all bar 2, were 4mm. All the hardware was randomly supplied in a number of packets. The covering has a tendency to delaminate when you cut into for access holes. Instructions are poor. Motors required for this model are rear mounting, and not front mounted as both the HobbyKing recommendation. Overall could be a great kit, let down by poor production process and poor procurement processes.

DeteH | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 06, 2014

Just to add a few words to the review. I have flown it now (8x) and initially had some trimming issues. The CG is correct, but the main undercarriage is set to far back. I moved mine forward by 30mm adding a ply brace across the fuse. Now she taxi's and rotates very well. The engines need a little UP thrust (2 deg?) to curb nose down under power. The nose gear "firewall" has been doubled up with 4mm ply and the steering servo mount repositioned and strengthened. Doesn't fly hands off because of the low wing and no dihedral. for experienced flyers. I'm happy with it now.

Selwyn | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 12, 2013

This is a great model. Get's plenty of attention at the field. Used Turnigy D3536/8 100kv with a Turnigy Trust 45a SBEC, 4s 4500 lipo. C.G came out perfect without any weight added. Plenty of power. Added some flap in and some up elevator which improves takeoff, swings to the left on liftoff though. Strengthened the nosewheel attachment and haven't had any problems with that area. Canopy release is poor and broke quite soon. Easy to fly.

DeteH | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 22, 2013

I almost have mine ready to fly. The quality is as good as any ARF I've built but I added some gussets to stiffen the structure around the wing roots and the cockpit. The hardware is quite good and I used it where I could, there were however lots of screws left over. The supplied spinners were to big and not used. The manual is next to useless so be warned, that you need to be quite experienced , not to make a mess of this. That said, I made very few changes. I moved the elevator control into the fuselage using a be ll crank of my own design, Placed the aileron servos into the wing under a hatch. I angled the front U/C forward at a more scale like angle. Finding a scale pilot is a challenge. Good Quality but let down by the crappy manual. 4 crowns

Steven | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 16, 2013

OK....I bite de bullet and sent for one of these and wondered if anyone has or had one of these to build Please contact me at
Thank You all,

marcourt | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 15, 2013

Hello. Well received from Nederland to France. A real beauty. Construction and perfect finish. Thank you Hobbyking. Philippe

wendell | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 07, 2013

The shipping sucks!!! I still ordered. After my first born it final arrived. There was slight damage to the canopy and tail of the fuse. I repaired. Fun plain. Instructions suck! Finlay go it together. There is no air for motor cooling. You need to make sure your motors have air traveling by them or you will burn them up especial if you use the spinners in the kit. No room for air to get to the motors. Just beware. It will glide a little but flies better under power!

moparhemi | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 26, 2012
Here is the video in HD.
Take off was a little steep Rolls are very nice.

moparhemi | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 26, 2012

Great plane! Just maiden yesterday flys like a baby! Love it.
2-35mm 1000kv BL. 2-50amp esc. One 4000 3s lipo. 11/6 prop.
Take off on 1/2 power and flew with that most of the flight. Got 4-5 min flight time on the 4000 may go to a 5000 pack for more flight time.
Landing was super slow and no tip stall even till the end. Motor mount was a little off on the front but I think that did not made the Cri Cri flys any worst. Over all I love this fun and unconventional plane! :)

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