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EG Deporte 21 de dos tiempos Motor del resplandor para el coche

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EG Deporte 21 de dos tiempos Motor del resplandor para el coche


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Cansado de todos esos coches eléctricos que infestan la pista de R / C local?

Esta altas revoluciones, el motor resplandor enorme poder le dará a su coche todo el poder que necesita mientras ahogando el sonido de esas eléctricas molestos! No hay que preocuparse acerca de las baterías costosas aquí. Sólo volver a combustible y ya está!

Romper la pista todo el día con nuestro 21 cilindrada resplandor de 2 tiempos!


• Construcción ABC, pistón de aluminio con revestimiento de latón cromado que está
• bola de doble cojinete del cigüeñal soportado
• 14mm SG del cigüeñal
• La cabeza anodizado grande con aletas de refrigeración
• preinstalado Tire del arrancador

Desplazamiento: 3.45CC
Diámetro: 16.26mm
Carrera: 16.80mm
Puertos: 3
Carburador: 8mm
Cigüeñal: SG 14 mm
RPM: 6.000 ~ 36.000
Potencia máxima: 2.6hp
Peso: 397g

  • Stroke Glow Engine
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DaVilla | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 29, 2015

I bought this as an upgrade to my Turnigy Trooper Nitro SCT 4X4. The stock has a 0.18 size engine so I decided to go bigger.The exhaust manifold is 18mm round diameter and the crankshaft has a 12mm smooth shaft after the thread. This information is handy to know as I literally cut it off so shat I could fit the motor upgrade package. The flywheel locking nut would not fit unless you cut off that excess smooth shaft.

The motor mounting screws are 20mm apart on both side and the air filter connection is 15mm diameter. Very happy with the purchase irrespective of the slight modification to fit the flywheel

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 24, 2013

JR/Hitec 11.8kg / 0.07 / 58g

5 STARS ????? 4 STARS ???? 3 STARS ??? 2 STARS ?? 1 STARS ?

Please useful

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 27, 2013

Impresionante motor! es compatible con motores GO

Bsd Racing | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 30, 2012

Hi I recieved mine on the 14th of december and have only finished break in today at the local track. One thing to do is to open your engine and check for metal shavings and use an old glow plug. after break in today I ran my engine and gave it a race tune this engine is excellent it has massive low end torque but i could have asked for more high end but a tuned pipe would have helped. after today I checked compression it is still so tight cant turn it over by hand. if your thinking of this engine go for it.

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