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Fibra de vidrio Pilón Racer 930mm azul (ARF)

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Fibra de vidrio Pilón Racer 930mm azul (ARF)


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¿Le gustan los aviones rápidos? Entonces te encantará el nuevo HobbyKing Pilón Racer!
Construido a partir de la fibra de vidrio, madera contrachapada y cortar con láser de balsa para una rigida, modelo resbaladiza, rápido y furioso, el pilón Racer lleva un motor de gran diámetro 29 mm Kv para prop impulsado velocidad extrema y
Se incluye con el kit es hardwear básica y una hélice 6x4 en carpetas y el cono.

Envergadura: 930mm
Longitud: 830mm
Peso del vuelo: 1100 ~ 1300 g
Servo: (elev / Rud: 30x40m m) (ail: 16x30mm)
Motor: Max Diámetro: 29 mm
ESC: 25-35A


Su propia TX y RX
3 x Servo (9 g o ligeramente mayor)
1 x 29 mm de diámetro altos Kv o menos sin escobillas del motor.
1 x 25 ~ 35A

  • Electric Fiberglass Pylon Racer 930mm Blue
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Masmoes | Comprador verificado

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Oct 01, 2014

I received the plane long ago and I am trying to find a manual for it, but without any luck! Can somebody please help me?!!!

Maicon | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 01, 2013

Aero muito bem acabado, voa muito bem rapido quando se exige e lento quando se precisa.

Muito bom.

3dkat1 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 11, 2013

Flew it twice today and like it.Like others have said about the main wing , I just made sure it was square to the fuse and your aileron linkage will be close to one side where wings bolts are .Then mount elevator so that it is square to the main wing.That's all i did and it tracks nice . I used 2836 3200kv motor Tgs 4.75x4.75 prop , Plush 60amp ESC, 4s 45-90c . Tested with the HK watt meter and maxed out at 1018 watt at 73 amp.It must be accurate it's a HK Watt meter :) Lucky the plush 60amp can handle 80amp burst as i tested after the second flight but only full throttle for a few seconds as it's quite fast when you wind it up . For the spinner I used 35mm alloy 35FPSPIN , just have to use a spacer to clear the back plate and grind the opening up to fit the prop.This set up works well for me and overall it flies nice and would believe the 200kph as others have said , would be nice to get a radar gun on it though .

Nikolay | Comprador verificado

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Jan 16, 2013

, , :
, , 2 . , . &#1

MatejM | Comprador verificado

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Jan 12, 2013

The nose is not round!Under the body, where the main wing is bolted on the body is not flat!!! And there is sooo much space between body and elevator wing!!

The prop. is missing!!

The item was packed good, it came in a double box!

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 28, 2012

This is a Great plane flys really fast with 3s. Really fun, but not for beginners.

Nicolas | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 10, 2012

Nice plane, but let's say it's not a fiberglass, but a polyester. Be very careful if you want to fly fast this plane. Change the stab, its too fragile and will brake at high speed. In mine the motor mount has started to get out after the first flight.
My config is:
Servos Turnigy MG 11g (maybe not enough for the fast flight)
Typhoon 2W20
dLux 60A
3S NANO 2700
5,2 x 5,2
Precision spinner

It's very touchy at launch but once in the air it's ballistic! 150 mph minimum.

I will review the config, probably with Typhoon 3W which should be enough.

If I manage to glue my motor mount and will not detect new problems, the value for money will be very fair, otherwise it will require too much time for modifications so the value will decrease. let's see.

FuzzyJulz | Comprador verificado

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Oct 16, 2012

I bought this plane about 12 months ago, and have worked out a few good setups. Have based around the APC 5.25x6.25 prop. 2200mah nanotech 6s, HET 1280kv 28mm, 246km/h, 35A - comes down warm. 2250 8s (6s 2s) nanotech 65C, HET 1600kv 36mm(requires cutting back the nose to 36mm), 344 km/h, 85A(CC ICE100) - comes down cool. A very fast plane, comes in for very fast landings, but loads of fun. Would be great to have a stronger motor mount, and have it 36mm. I'm flying with landing gear, due to the fast landings and poor field quality. An excellent plane!

FuzzyJulz | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 11, 2012

I bought this plane about 12 months ago, and have worked out a few good setups. Have based around the APC 5.25x6.25 prop. 2200mah nanotech 6s, HET 1280kv 28mm, 246km/h, 35A - comes down warm. 2250 8s (6s 2s) nanotech 65C, HET 1600kv 36mm(requires cutting back the nose to 36mm), 344 km/h, 85A(CC ICE100) - comes down cool. A very fast plane, comes in for very fast landings, but loads of fun. Would be great to have a stronger motor mount, and have it 36mm. I'm flying with landing gear, due to the fast landings and poor field quality. An excellent plane! Would be great if it was slightly bigger, but I have no complaints!

Nicolas | Comprador verificado

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Oct 07, 2012

Received my kit a long time ago. Very nice, until you start assembling.
If you want to fly this plane as a real pylon racer, few hints:
1. The stab provided is not suited for a high speed, just forget it and make your own, solid stab
2. Rudder, completely useless for a pylon racer. Block it.
3. Check wing fixation holes and reinforce all the stuff around. The wood is not hard enough.
4. Forget a folding prop, you could kill someone with this kind of props on a ~3000 kv motor.
5. Replace a standard spinner with a precision spinner to avoid vibrations.
6. Make an additional cooling hole for the battery and controller.
7. Reinforce the gear for landing, this plane will arrive pretty quickly, think about it.
8. Use high torque metal gear servos.
However it remains a good deal and should give you some adrenaline.
Mine will fly soon with a Typhoon 2W20, 4,7x4,7, Turnigy Opto 60A BEC and a Nanoteh 3S 2200 mAh. If not enough, I will switch to 4S config.

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