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EPS EDF 64 mm Jet

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EPS EDF 64 mm Jet


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Un tamaño foamie EDF excelente parkflyer (EPS).
Este chorro FED entre 97% pre-construidos y viene con un potente sistema de EDF 25A sin escobillas.

Envergadura: 590mm
Longitud: 700 mm
Volar Peso: 400 g
Motor: 14L Inrunner motor sin escobillas
ESC: 25A
Servo: 9g * 2
Batería: 1300mAh 3S1P 15C Lipo Pack (No incluido)
EDF Diámetro: 64 mm
Objetos requeridos;
El transmisor y el receptor. (4 canales +)
Stock limitado - Una vez que se han ido se han ido!
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CPT. HAUK | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 16, 2011

I purchased this 5 years ago from a local hobby show (free-wing) brand

a friend of mine purchased this from this site a few weeks back, did piece to piece comparison, everything is the same. (cept servos, i modded mine)

so my review should be quite fair.

More than 1:1 thrust to weight ratio.
need alot of negative expo, (-50 for me)
used a dualsky 11.1v 2200mah battery

follow this video for set up (Sorry bro, I haven't filmed mine yet, gotta borrow yours since it's kick-ass accurate)

Ron | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 15, 2011

Took a while to write the review, but good little plane. Very agile and quick. Due to the size, I would reccomend that the pilot keep it in close as it gets very small very fast and can be difficult to track and recognise orientation durring maneuvers. It handles well, but landings can be tricky. Be cautious when bringing it in on grass fields at speed. I was flaring it before touchdown and lost an elevon when it got snagged on thick grass and pulled it off the plane. Repairs have been easy and were done with hot glue. Be mindful of the glue temp as mine was a bit too hot and melted some of the foam. All in all a decent plane.

Wolvereine | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 22, 2010

I have had about 10 flights with this model and it is great fun. I am using a small 1300 3s Lipo and it will climb vertical!

To Launch:

Only use 3/4 throttle and give it some up elevator and throw at about 30% and it will be fine. DO NOT GIVE IT FULL THROTTLE ON LAUNCH!

Mellemel | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 13, 2010

Been flying my F-35 for a year now and it's AWESOME. It's completely stock and it works perfectly. If there were 100 stars it would get them all !

Richard | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 19, 2010

This is a twitchy little aircraft and quite fast. The colour makes it difficult to see and even harder to see what way it is going. If you do not know how to set the radio then find someone to help as it is very hard to work out and will waste a lot of your time. I have enjoyed nervously flying this plane but today it met with a full speed dive into a newly made hole in the ground, think one servo can be used again. I will replace this model with

Cliente | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 11, 2010

Great, little fast jet. A great little hand launcher.

Cliente | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 22, 2010

Hi, I have one of these little planes and allways struggeld with it (because of the down thrust on full throttle and the 2 servos only) until I decided to install 2 more servos for the elevator. Now it flies 100% better, much easier to control and more stable. Ah, the stock motor burnt at the second flight and the esc at the fourth. Now flying with a Towerpro 40A ESC and a EDF Outrunner 4800 KV. Really fast and more stable!

Cliente | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 18, 2010

Really nice edf jet. Great performance for the size, and the detail is great. Got lots of ooh's and aaah's the first time I brought it out of 'the hanger'. Sadly, it was more than I could handle for the maiden. It repairs really well! Maiden ripped the wing off and broke the nose off from the fuse just forward of the intakes. A little hot glue and some new trim settings and she was fine!

Cliente | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Feb 19, 2010

This is the first jet that I mastered. Had i known about the up elevator-4-neutral I could have done a lot better faster. This little piece needs a good chuck at 3/4 throttle, 45 degree launch "in wind' but a 30 degree launch in zero wind. Best situation is an 8 knot wind on an overcast day. I like this plane and is ideal for an intermediate fliers. Its lively but not fast

rmgmag | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 08, 2010

I bought one of these back in May. It is a total nightmare to launch. On just about every launch it rolls left, stalls and ends up tearing up the nose. After gluing it back together one too many times, I gave up. I think I got 6 decent flights out of it before it finally died.

Once you get it up and flying, it flies very well. Smooth tracking and pretty fast too. Easy to land. As I stated above, take offs are a nightmare.

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