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Esky / Storm / WFLY Transmisor Adaptador de enchufe de 3,5 mm a Mini DIN 4 para el simulador de vuelo

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Esky / Storm / WFLY Transmisor Adaptador de enchufe de 3,5 mm a Mini DIN 4 para el simulador de vuelo


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Esky / Storm / WFLY Transmisor Adaptador de enchufe de 3,5 mm a Mini DIN 4 para el simulador de vuelo

Tipos de enchufe: 3,5 mm hembra a macho Mini DIN4
Longitud: 152 mm

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Sergey | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 18, 2014

Just wanted to correct the previous reviewer, this cable is NOT compatible with the Orange-RX out of the box. There are two pins on the DIN connector that are supposed to be connected together within the cable to work with Spektrum radios or the OrangeRX. They are not, and in fact are not even present in the cable. You have to open up the housing around the DIN plug (pain in the ass) and manually solder them together. At that point you may as well have just built your own cable.

Product is probably fine for the stated radios that HK says it is compatible with. It's NOT compatible with OrangeRX or Spektrum gear out of the box.

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