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Tubo de escape de Montaje y Fijación - A3015

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Tubo de escape de Montaje y Fijación - A3015


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Tubo de escape de Montaje y Fijación - A3015

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DaVilla | Comprador verificado

  • Overall
  • Quality
  • Value

Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 15, 2015

The only thing you have to make sure is that when you are buying this spare, that you have a M4 grub screw handy as this kit does not come with it.This is pretty straight forward - keeps your muffler in place even when bouncing around in the track. I would have given it 5 star but the fact that it doesn't come with a grub screw or M4 screws at the bottoms gets this fair review.

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