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F-15 avión de combate w / Twin 64mm EDF (Plug-n-Fly)

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F-15 avión de combate w / Twin 64mm EDF (Plug-n-Fly)


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Muy reducido avión de combate acrobático con un sistema de doble EDF.
El F-15 avión de combate viene 97% pre-construidos e incluye un potente sistema de conductos del ventilador sin escobillas eléctrica de dos ruedas 30A además de nariz orientable.
Este chorro bien detallado utiliza dos unidades de 64 mm con ventilador tubular para proporcionar la respuesta del acelerador rápido y una velocidad máxima alta. Maniobrabilidad aumenta considerablemente con la estructura asimétrica especial de que las alas de '.

Envergadura: 750mm
Longitud: 1080mm
Volar Peso: 800 g
Servo: 5x9g
Motor: 2x2627 sin escobillas outrunner 3900kv
ESC: 2x30A
Ventilador de conducto: 64mm
Batería tamaño del compartimiento: 87x40x32mm
Su propia TX y RX
11.1V 2200mAh 3S 25C Lipo
* Modelo disponible en dos colores. No somos capaces de garantizar el modelo va a ser de color.
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eliana | Comprador verificado

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Mar 14, 2011

exelente avion vuela increible

Andre | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 26, 2011

Idem because somme char are not write?
F15 # Beautiful aircraft # 0,950kg ready to flight.
Ducted fan = good song, nice look, but output very poor.
Only 0,650 kp of traction for 450W.
Same motor w. Propeller as 3 at 4 time more output power.
For 20 /100 more flight time, reduce power wire connection
put RX in cabine,
reverse Accu lipo (wipe too long and too small wire from ctrl & oversize the output hole)
& wipe connectors from motors (direct welding)
For best direction control use 1 canal by motor (ex. Mix 3 and 4 )


Andr | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 26, 2011

F15 # Beautiful aircraft # 0,950kg ready to flight.
Ducted fan = good song, nice look, but output very poor. Only 0,650 kp of traction for 450W.
Same motor w. Propeller as 3 at 4 time more output power.
For 20 more flight time, reduce power wire connection : put RX in cabine ,reverse Accu lipo (wipe too long and too small accu-wire oversize the output hole) & wipe connectors from motors (direct welding)
For best direction control split and use 1 canal by motor (ex. Mix 3 and 4 )

Andr (from Switzerland)

Cliente | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 04, 2011

I've received this package
but unfortunately, when I test. esc kesua damaged: (
I only use the battery 3cell

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 21, 2010


aquile della daunia | Comprador verificado

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Aug 27, 2010

Incredibile veramente incredibile, buon ottimo modello, per quello che costa!. Primo volo(collaudo), durata 5minuti tutto Ok, dopo una prima trimmatura, vola che una meraviglia. Ho usato batteria 25C2100Mha. Secondo m ottimo qualit/prezzo!!, Buona ventola intubata per iniziare, veleggia, finito con bateeria e ricevente 900g.!!!. Buoni Voli a TUTTI

Richard | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 15, 2010

Further to my review on 30/06/2010, this plane is not that great to fly, very twitchy, underpowered, hard to land without power. I would suggest a 4S pack as a minimum. EDF's are poor I have replaced one already. Generally the model is not well built and breakes easily. Absolute battery eater! It is still a great looking model and would suggest it a static model.

Richard | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 01, 2010

This is a beautiful aircraft to look at, truly stunning!. You could buy one just to build it and have it sit on the shelf. If you want to fly it then it has some problems. One fan was out of balance, access is ok. Power wire MUST be replaced!. Canopy latch is not good. Elevator is under effective. C/G is 620mm from the tip of the nose. Heaps of power for grass takeoff. Well balanced. This plane eats 2200 packs in about 4 mins. But I do love it!

Cliente | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 27, 2010

This EDF Jet is a blast to fly. I'm using a 2600mAh 30c battery and it's pulling 43A at full throttle. The wires that connect the battery to the ESCs is much too small and gets pretty warm post-flight. I usually get 4-6 minute flights which is pretty short in my opinion but it really is a blast to fly and is sure to be a head turner.

oldieflyer | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 22, 2010

Outstanding Quality. But not flown already.

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