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Feigao 280L 3533Kv Bushless Motor

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Feigao 280L 3533Kv Bushless Motor


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Feigao motor sin escobillas
Tamaño: 280L
KV: 3533
Tamaño del eje: 2,3 mm
Tamaño: 24 x 45 mm (98g)

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Benjamin | Comprador verificado

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Feigao 280L 3533Kv

Nov 14, 2007

nice motor!

works fine. has 3mm and 2,5mm screw thread

Rudi Vanlaer | Comprador verificado

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Feigao 280L 3500kv

Nov 14, 2007

WWARNING : the 2 motors I got were actually 2100kv and NOT 3533kv.

Even though on the box it was noted 3533kv and also on a label around the motorleads.

I measured unloaded RPM on 3S, 4S and 6S and got 2100kv with eagletree brushless RPM meter.

I measured multiple times and doublechecked rpm meter accuracy with 5 other motors. The other motors all yielded kv within 100 of specified kv, only the 2 280L motors were 2100kv instead of 3533.

Otherwise these are nicely build motors with very little vibration. The shaft has a flat piece machined for grubscrews.

Other measurements :

280L nr1 :

Rm = 85mOhm

Io = 0.82

V = 11.6

RPM = 24000

Kv = 2068

280L nr2 :

Rm = 85 - 82 - 82 mOhm

Io = 0.72

V = 11.7

RPM = 25000

Kv = 2136

FABIO DAVI TELES DE OLIVEIRA | Comprador verificado

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Use it on Easystar

Nov 14, 2007

I bougth to use on Easystar using a FPV system it work fine....

T. Gmeiner | Comprador verificado

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Nov 14, 2007

It's a very good Motor

Padi Gschwind | Comprador verificado

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Nov 14, 2007

Motor ist super, bringt nur nicht die versprochenen 3533 U/Min, sind um die 2100 U/Min. Verarbeitung ist ok.

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