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Feigao 380 Tamaño 8Turn XL 2903kv de motor sin escobillas

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Feigao 380 Tamaño 8Turn XL 2903kv de motor sin escobillas


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Feigao 380 8Turn 2903kv sin escobillas del motor Detalles

Modelo: 3808408XL
Tamaño: F27.6X68mm,
Peso: 216 g
Velocidad: 2903KV

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Baard Olav Hoestmark | Comprador verificado

  • Overall
  • Quality
  • Value

Feigao 380-08

Nov 14, 2007

I've installed this motor in my Kyosho VF-1000, with 2,5in fan. Static current draw is 35Amps with my 2p3sThuderPower 1320mAh setup. I had problems with vibration but now with new adapter and Feiago 380 it runs smoot, no vibration at all on the entire rpm range.

This is my second Feigao motor great value, good finish and up to spec.

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