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Feigao Poder Analyser

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Feigao Poder Analyser


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Grande para Li-Poly configuraciones.
Este gran dispositivo puede ser conectado a su PC de forma que se pueden representar gráficamente datos de la batería y el registro. Es una necesidad para cualquier persona crear emabrgo propia configuración sin escobillas / Lipo.

De baja tensión de medición 5-36Volts
-Potencia De medición 0-10000Watts
-amp Horas 0-9.999AH
-Watt Horas 0-999.9WH
2. ajuste automáticamente, procedimiento de ajuste innecesario.
3. automáticamente intercambiada entre la alta y baja corriente.
4. automáticamente intercambiada entre la alta y baja tensión.
5. PC compatible el software PowerView, incluyendo el monitoreo y dibujo
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Riccobene Giuseppe | Comprador verificado

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Feigao power analaizer

Nov 14, 2007

Very good instruments for testing the performance of all type motor, the software is easy to understanding.

Ronaldo Di Mauro | Comprador verificado

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Power Analizer

Nov 14, 2007

The software is very nice and it is a good tool to verify battery and motors just the resolution of 0,05V and 0,05A that could be better.

Tim | Comprador verificado

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Very good !!!

Nov 14, 2007

Good value for money Watt meter.

Displays everything (Amps, Volts, Watts and alternating Ah/Wh) at the same time.

Sometimes connectivety to the computer is a little bit of a hastle but for the rest it's the best there is for this kind of money.

No complaining ... would definetely recommend it to friends.

Find the right prop almost immediatly. No burned motors anymore in my Hangar.



Max Metzger | Comprador verificado

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Feigao Power Analyzer

Nov 14, 2007

The Power Analyzer of Feigao is a pretty good measuring tool for all electric enthusiasts. Compared to other watt meters there is no need to hide for the Power Analyzer. It's great Voltage range makes it the ideal tool even for those users which want to run on higher voltages up to 100V. But please keep in mind to choose your connectors with care, especially when using high currents good connectors are of importance!

Another good feature most users should be pleased of is the computer interface which allows you to get your data saved and even illustrated in graphs! To name a disadvantage I'd say the over all size of the device could be reduced. This would save space and weight which is of importance for some applications. Regardless, this analyzing tool is something really useful especially when you don't want do guess your power data.

Also a big plus is it's affordability!

Lauri Pitkjrvi | Comprador verificado

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Looking good

Nov 14, 2007

Mine's arrived today and seems to be a good watt-meter for my needs. Those 4mm plugs are little useless for me as I'm going to solder 3,5mm plugs.

Graham Beggin | Comprador verificado

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Feigao Power Analyser

Nov 14, 2007

Watt a handy bit of kit! Its a bit of a scare how much power is used in a static setup, no idea how much less in the air. Great tool at a typical UH price, every flyer should have one.

frank feldezdi | Comprador verificado

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feigao power analyzer

Nov 14, 2007


works very good for me.Does everything it claims.Very fast shipping to sweden only 4 days.and very nice price

ROGER GANTZ | Comprador verificado

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Feigao Power Analyser

Nov 14, 2007

FAST SHIP ONLY 5DAYS TO Ohio,just the ticket! compared to my Astroflight Whattmeter it is just as good and a goodbang for the buck

Thomas Murray | Comprador verificado

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Feigao Power Analyser

Nov 14, 2007

Very nice meter for the price. Does everything it claims. I am ordering 1 more for a buddy. On the computer, it allows you to see a lot of things that you could normally never see on a normal wattmeter. Its a great data logger. WAY TO GO UH!!!!

chris riley | Comprador verificado

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feigao power analyser

Nov 14, 2007

if you want a useful tool in your flight box this is it,it will let you get the best out of you motors and batteries,put it on my set up and found i was running at 2/3 of the power from my motor and it was easy to put right with this analyser,just try one and see the difference,zoooom

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