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Canopy de fibra de vidrio para Trex-600 eléctrico

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Canopy de fibra de vidrio para Trex-600 eléctrico


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Canopy de fibra de vidrio para Trex-600 eléctrico
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$anta | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 27, 2013

Doesn't quite fit my hk600, arrived pretty well, slightly warped.

garvarno | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 11, 2011

recieved mine in the mail this morning. total shock after i opened the box, to find canopy had 3 severe cracks in different places, rendering the canopy useless for use. will be lodging my complaint to hobbyking as item arrived in unacceptable condition. the box used was nowhere near rigid enough to be able to protect the canopy. as a plus, i will say that there was heaps of air bags and bubble wrap around the canopy, but in the end it did not protect the item. quality of canopy was good but not when it arrived looking like an elephant had stepped on it . 2 STARS ONLY

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