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Herramienta de bloqueo de barra estabilizadora para Trex 500 (naranja neón)

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Herramienta de bloqueo de barra estabilizadora para Trex 500 (naranja neón)


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Herramienta de bloqueo de barra estabilizadora para Trex 500 (naranja neón)

El objetivo de la herramienta de bloqueo es para asegurarse de que la barra estabilizadora se queda en un solo lugar, mientras que activa las dos cuchillas, por lo tanto, toda la nivelación no es necesario. Con esta herramienta, la creación de tono es muy fácil y no hay necesidad de que el nivelador de burbuja.

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May 10, 2014

Agora nao preciso ficar mexendo no flybar

evltoy | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 06, 2013

The locking tool required some modding to have it fit right as the legs where a little too long. There is two ways to fix and have it working 1) Add a heap of washers under the Button head or 2) use a Dremel and carefully remove some acrylic from the legs bottom. Only about 4-5mm was required. I chose the latter. Once this was done the tool is fixed down with the Heads button and all is perfect.

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 02, 2013

Received in good condition. Good quality.

skyfox60 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 03, 2013

nice and helpfull tool to setup the Heli. I then them in different sizes. Recommended.

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