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Hélice plegable 13x7 W / cubo del eje de 45 mm / 5,0 mm de la aleación

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Hélice plegable 13x7 W / cubo del eje de 45 mm / 5,0 mm de la aleación


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Hélice plegable w / cubo de la aleación
concentrador de aleación mecanizada.

  • Diámetro X ( pulgadas ) 13.00
  • Y de paso ( pulgadas ) 7.00
  • Rotación CCW

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-13


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Seano | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 10, 2011

Great Prop and spinner couldn't ask for better and at this price its about $30 cheaper than my local HS Hobby King does it again!

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Customer Rated

Dec 11, 2010

I recently bought the Folding Propeller 13x7 W/ Alloy hub 45mm / 5.0mm shaft, both spinner and propeller are very good quality, but propeller shaft hole is a litle bit big for the screw shaft, and the nuts suplied are not a self locking ones, however it is a great set, I have just exchanged the nuts by a self locking ones and it works great.

barataleonardo | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 12, 2010

este kite e muito bom ja vem pronto para vc estalar no seu motor , basta colocar no eixo e apertar.

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Customer Rated

Oct 31, 2009

This prop is great I havent had any problems with it

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