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Fibra de carbono total de 550 hojas de tamaño (SELLOUT)

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Fibra de carbono total de 550 hojas de tamaño (SELLOUT)


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Tamaño: 550mm x 50mm
Color: Claro de fibra de carbono / raya de la plata
Extremadamente fuerte y rígido. Estas cuchillas son de material compuesto de fibra de carbono con mate tejiendo todo el camino hasta el borde.

elemento lleno total.
A estrenar y en el empaquetado.
Ninguna garantía implícita o dada.

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Craig Case | Comprador verificado

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Carbon Fiber blades

Nov 14, 2007

Order a pair of these as the price was very good. Was skepical at first, but when I received them, they flew very nice. The black is hard to see. Wish they were white. I would have prefered the ones with stripes on them. I bought 4 more sets on my next order for may friends.

FLAVIO HENRIQUE RAMARI | Comprador verificado

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Nov 14, 2007


C S Ananda Krishna Guptha | Comprador verificado

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Carbonfibiber main blades

Nov 14, 2007

I saw my friend flying with your carbonfiber blades on Raptor 30. It was so perfectly allegined ,and there was adding weight to balance weight.Taht is why i am placeing for 30 Raptor also.csaguptha

Gregory Granville | Comprador verificado

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Pot luck ?

Nov 14, 2007

I ordered these and, in true HobbyCity style, got something different - SKB-C550B instead. Funny thing, the order record shows the wrong number also. So, some sneaky person changed the item number for my order before it got sent to the warehouse. This is a prime example of why I don't order from HC as frequently as I used to.

As for the blades - they look to be from the same mold as FunKey blades I've bought elsewhere. One of the blades has a slight mismatch where the two halves are bonded together.

Only one flight on them so far, but I noticed a small chip in the resin around the brass bushing already. I will be keeping a very close eye on these.

fredrik persson | Comprador verificado

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Low price and excellent finish

Nov 14, 2007

I use mine for AP on a GAUI Hurricane 550EP. They track nicely and the overall finish is very nice. Good price!

Eliecer Jesus Revert Algarra | Comprador verificado

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Carbon Blades

Nov 14, 2007

Increible, por ese precio unas palas de carbono bonitas y que van perfectas en mi Caliber 30. Ya no quiero mas palas de madera, por dos euros mas tengo una de carbono.

Gilbert Sato | Comprador verificado

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very nice blades

Nov 14, 2007

This is a very nice blade, very strong. It fits nicely on my raptor 30 and it flies very well and smooth. No need to balance because it's well balanced. No problem at all.

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