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Gee Bee 0,25 Resplandor de fibra de vidrio 1005mm (ARF)

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Gee Bee 0,25 Resplandor de fibra de vidrio 1005mm (ARF)


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No es para los débiles de corazón. El Granville Hermanos todas las carreras avión estadounidense el GeeBee es una máquina voladora icónico!

Construido con un fuselaje de fibra de vidrio del GeeBee R2 EP está bien acabado y pintado y se completa con pantalones de la rueda.

Este plano le llevará alrededor de 4 horas en completarse. Si usted tiene miedo de taladros o trabajo de fabricación pequeño, entonces este no es el plano para usted.

ADVERTENCIA: Este plano sólo debe ser volado por pilotos con experiencia!

Material: Fibra de vidrio alas del fuselaje / Balsa
Envergadura: 1005mm
Longitud: 610 mm
Área de ala: 17dm cuadrados
Carga alar: 70.6g / dm2
Peso del vuelo: 1100g

El tanque de combustible y accesorios
Montaje del motor
Conversión de montaje del motor eléctrico

Su propio canal 4 de TX / RX
0,25 ~ 0,32 Glow Motor
RX Potencia / UBEC
5 x Servo Parque

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COLIN | Comprador verificado

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Oct 30, 2013

P.S.S. to the above. I forgot to mention that mine is fitted with Tower Pro MG90S servos , small and quite powerful, obtained direct from China at a very good price.
I have just flown the Hobbyking 80" Super Cub which is another very attractive model, the finish is excellent. It flys like a trainer.

COLIN | Comprador verificado

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Oct 30, 2013

Yes I ran out of space above.
Cont:- A small amount of up elevator was all that was needed for nice level flight.
Keep it high to start with and not to far away, do keep the speed up then,as happened to mine when the engine cut, you will have plenty of time to dive to maintain the speed and avoid any tip stall problems. I cannot report on tip stall as I never got around to it, I will report when tested.
A cracking little model with a true sense of achievement once flown.
I wish I had a large enough engine for the large version!

COLIN | Comprador verificado

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Oct 30, 2013

What a cracking little plane, the fuselage moulding alone is worth the money. Mine came in at 3lb. 12oz. ready to fly, the C/G is 1.5" back from the wing leading edge tyhis was achieved without adding any extra ballast. The SC .25 motor and dustbin silencer are mounted towards the front of the engine mount with the 4.8v 4xAA RX battery pack under the tank at the front.
The only issue whilst building was the undercarriage, the legs need to be bent forward as their mounting holes are dangerously close to the C/G and the aircraft will nose over on take off every time. I also changed the shape of the legs to come up the outside of the spats then bend in through a cut out in the side of the spat, this allows movement of the wheels and not the spats. As a result of the amended undercarriage the spats locate closer in to the fuselage, this is not a problem as it allows more of the base of the spat to bear on the balsa wing covering rather than just the covering.
Aileron3/8th" each way, Rudder1" each way, Elevator3/8th" up and down.
Tie a piece of string to the tail and stand on it to assist during take off as you will need full throttle before releasing the model, full up to stop nosing over and gradually release and allow the tail to come up, keep it on the ground until a good speed is reached then a tad of up and it was flying straight and true, a small amou

miniviper7 | Comprador verificado

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Jan 14, 2013

Da ich ein absoluter Fan dieses Fliegers bin und der bei mir direkt nach einer ME 163 steht musste ich mir dieses Modell kaufen .Ich bin mit der Qualitt des Bausatzes zufrieden. Die Proportionen sind ganz gut gelungen auch wenn der Rumpf ein klein wenig fetter htte ausfallen knnen. Das was mich am meisten strt ist die fehlende Bauanleitung ! Es ist mir ein Rtsel wie man das Fahrwerk an dem Modell befestigen soll.
Vielleicht kann ja mal jemand der den Flieger bereits gebaut hat ein paar Tipps zum Aufbau geben oder einen Link .Wichtig soll ja bei solch einen Flieger auch der Schwerpunkt sein .

flyenryan | Comprador verificado

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Sep 13, 2012

I can give a fair review this thing. I've built it and maiden flighted it today. Building wasn't bad, getting the dowels on the leading edge glued in and lined up with the holes that you drill yourself was the hardest part. I had no trouble with the e conversion. I didn't like the long nose so I cut just under an inch off of the nose cowling, then I sanded down the support ring that get's glued into the cowling. I bolted the e motor right to the firewall and walla, perfect. I then cleared out some of the framework inside the fuse forward of the leading edge so I could get a battery in there. I glued a piece of wood with some velcro up there to support the battery, this way it was as far forward as I could get it. I still had to add 2 ounces of lead to the nose.

Time to fly! Just like HobbyKing (Love you guys by the way) says it's not for the feint of heart, and they are right, this thing is fast. Off of the runway it was exactly what you would expect, a little pitchy, but very controllable. She looks really great in the air. After a couple of minutes of buzzing around I tried some stalls. Stall happen fast, she gives a little warning shake, then mine drops the right wing about 80 degrees. recovery was just fine. I was nervous and brought her in to land way to fast. I hit the mains and pitched forward onto the cowling where I scraped to a stop. A little paint m

Aleks | Comprador verificado

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Jul 15, 2012

Very beautifull plane, easy to assemble. I made minor changes to make it look more scale, i first shortened the nose, i don't know why it is so long ???!!! Then i replaced the stock landgear for something more flexible. I use a 3536 1450 kv brushless motor with Flies well with a good CG between 30mm 40mm . Landing is really hard with this plane, this is the hardest point because it is fast !!!

Snake92 | Comprador verificado

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Mar 21, 2012

Nice kit but it is not for beginners. It takes time and experience to do the electric conversion. The worst part I encountered is the wooden electric motor mount. It came apart when I was doing a ground run. The thing went flying taking my ESC, motor and prop to the other side of the room. Luckily I was not in front of the prop or else I would have been going to the hospital. The parts fit well together except the nose cone face that couldn't be mounted without the balsa motor mount so I eventually left it off. The end result is the model looked like the one in the picture. The instructions are no help for a beginner, very limited information. The wheel pants can be fitted over the landing gear so ignore the instructions that tells you to put it one the side if the landing gear. The kit itself is very nicely covered and painted and the model looks really nice in the air. Tame it down and use expo or else it is really a handful to fly. Landing is fast because it has a high stall speed so look out. I have it set up with a Hobby King 40A ESC, NTM Prop Drive Series 35-36A 1400Kv / 550W motor, 10 x 8 APC prop, Nanotech 2200 4S Lipo Battery, I added 1.5 ounces of lead weight to the front to get the CG about 45mm from the leading edge.

jnogier | Comprador verificado

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Jan 14, 2012

Very beautifull plane, easy to assemble.
I made minor changes to make it look more scale, i first shortened the nose, i don't know why it is so long ???!!!
Then i replaced the stock landgear for something more flexible.
I use a 3536 1450 kv brushless motor with
Flies well with a good CG between 30mm 40mm .

Landing is really hard with this plane, this is the hardest point because it is fast !!!

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