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GeeBee R3 - 750mm - EPO (PNF)

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GeeBee R3 - 750mm - EPO (PNF)


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El GeeBee R3, donde el diseño moderno se combina con la belleza clásica. Pocos podrían disputar, que esta es una buena y seria aviones busca. La líneas elegantes, sistema posterior a cielo gallo y capó del motor cuadros todos dicen una cosa, la velocidad! Aunque nunca se construyó en gran escala, la GeeBee R3 capturó la imaginación del mundo de la moda y la hace girar cabezas, cuando cada vez que se necesita para el cielo.

Si su suspensión era cada vez menos que un modelo sería éste. Un tamaño del parque volante perfecta que puede ser transportado con facilidad y trasladado a impresionar. Nos enamoramos de este modelo en el momento en que aterrizó en HobbyKing HQ y apenas podía esperar a llevarlo a cabo para un vuelo de prueba. Una vez en el aire la GeeBee R3 muestra su pedigrí con características de vuelo sólidos solo se puede esperar de un modelo más grande. El GeeBee R3 se puede volar en 2S o 3S si desea liberar un poco de velocidad extra, y nos cree, este modelo vuela tan bien tendrá que llevarlo al límite.

Todo lo que se requieren para completar este modelo es su propio transmisor y el receptor (Tx / Rx) y unos 1000mAh 2S Lipoly o un 800mAh 3S Lipoly.

Envergadura: 750mm
Longitud: 750 mm
Peso: 400 g
Motor: 2407-1200kv sin escobillas Outrunner (Incluido)
ESC: 20A (incluida)
Servo: 4 x 5 g servo (Incluido)
Batería: 7.4v 1000mAh 3S1P (Obligatorio)

7.4v 1000mAh 2S1P o 11.1v 3S1P 800mAh
Transmisor y receptor 4 Ch

  • GeeBee R3 - 750mm - EPO
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brian | Comprador verificado

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Jul 27, 2014

This is a very cheap plane - but it does looks great and you have to wonder how they do it so cheaply - find out why below - End of compliments!
Breath on it and it will fall apart. Second flight the battery compartment flew open and battery ended dangling out, with an interesting 30 seconds to get it down in one piece. Tightening the battery compartment latch just simply broke the foam. So if you have yours still in one piece you need a separate rubber band to hold it in place.

As for the wheel struts they will come apart even on a gently landing, as does the wire rigging. all now lost!. Don't expect the prop spinner to stay on any longer either- its stuck on! Basically expect 5 minutes of use before this thing falls apart! But it could be an adrenaline filled 5 minutes as the plane falls apart in the air in front of you! After the third flight the motor had a definite burning smell about it, so guess this is one plane for the garbage man on Monday!

Oh a couple of other good points (!) they do give you a spare spinner and prop - pity they don't give you a spare plane as well - you would then get 10mins of flying for your 50!

Rygy88 | Comprador verificado

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Jan 20, 2014

Great looking plane, arrived with nothing damaged. The elevator was slightly bent/warped but works fine. This plane is very noise heavy(at least mine is), I am using a 3s 850mah. It fly's great, very fun plane the landing gear is very weak so watch out on the landings.

Alex | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 08, 2013

Beautiful flyer, very tame either 2s or 3s 850. Cg dead on, needed a tad of up elevator. One bad aileron servo, seems to be a trend on this model. Landing gear on all HK planes are weak, gotten used to it. MAKE SURE TO REGLUE EVERYTHING ON THE PLANE, MY GLUED ITEMS CAME OFF WITH THE PUSH OF A FINVER! Overall better than the 800 racer series. Wing load is wayyy lighter. I also put a smidge of glue on spring wires to not lose them as easy.

Christopher smith | Comprador verificado

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Aug 31, 2013

Wow i love this plane!

The motor it came with was rubbish and starred squealing, so I did an upgrade to the:
Turnigy Aerodrive SK3 - 3530-1340kv Brushless
And a castle creations thunderbird 36 and a apc 9x6 prop and Irvine Spinner. Over lander 1300 3s sport battery.

This combination is awesome flies vertical at a stupid rate of nots and batteries still last for 10 minutes. The undercarriage is rubbish on grass so I removed it and also the wires for the wings, although I am a bit worried about the wings snapping! Putting this motor in does require a dremel but it was worth it!

MERG | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 26, 2013

Super produit pas cher et qui vole trs bien , mme pour un novice.
Par contre il faut inverser les tringles de profondeur et drive afin qu'elles se croisent car sinon elles flambent au moindre effort et se tordent, sinon le vol est trs rapide et jouissif

SPKOHLI | Comprador verificado

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Aug 15, 2013

Everything fit together very well, and with a few spares in the box, it really is a great price. However, the stock 2*10A speed controller (that's what is printed on it), cuts out at full throttle. I replaced it with a 30A hobbyking speed controller, and everything was fine.

shane66au | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 27, 2013

Brilliant little plane and a nice, easy assemble

| Comprador verificado

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Mar 18, 2013

???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ????

Michael | Comprador verificado

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Dec 04, 2012

... oben genannte "review" vom 3.12. 2012 sollte 5 Sterne "anzeigen, war wohl Fehler von mir :-))) ... bin ein anderer Michael als der "ueber mir" :-))) ...

... my "review" written above from 3 of dec. should have shown an "overall" of 5 stars, might have been a mistake of me :-))) ...
... I'm "another" Michael as the one from Germany who pre-pre-posted but he also has been very satisfied with this plane :-))) ...

Michael | Comprador verificado

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Dec 04, 2012

... ein toller, schneller Flitzer, fliegt auf Anhieb, egal ob Boden- oder Handstart, auch gute Langsamflugeigenschaften, Fahrwerksbefestigung eventuell gleich entfernen und mit z.B. "UHU - Por" nachkleben, Drahtstreben nicht unbedingt erforderlich, dienen mehr der Optik, wenn man sie befestigt sollte man die Oesen mit 2K-Kleber "schliessen" da die Drhte sonst gerne "rausspringen" ...
... wer die Optik mag sollte als fortgeschrittener Einsteiger zugreifen, ein unkompliziertes und m.E. gelungenes Modell ... habe 2 davon, habe aber den Ersatz nie gebraucht ... ach ja, der Styrospinner ist nicht die "beste" Sache, aber kann man sich im Fall des Falles schnell selber anfertigen (und bitte mit Kleber sichern und "auswuchten" :-))))) ... fliege mit 3S - 1000mAh LiPo ...

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