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Apoyos de repuesto GWEP5443 anaranjados para Quadcopter HobbyKing Q-BOT (6pc)

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Apoyos de repuesto GWEP5443 anaranjados para Quadcopter HobbyKing Q-BOT (6pc)


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Apoyos GWEP5443 Orange reemplazo para Quadcopter HobbyKing Q-BOT (6pc) - 3pc Std rotación, 3 pc Right Hand Rotation

  • Diámetro X ( pulgadas ) 5.40
  • Y de paso ( pulgadas ) 4.30
  • Rotación CW/CCW

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  • attributeset-13


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nguyentran | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 25, 2013

I purchased this prop about 2 weeks ago, just received them today. I was very eager to put them on the V929 I got from Banggood but unfortunately they dont fit. Both the orange and grey props have too small a hole for the motor shaft. Anyone has this problem?

Todor | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 05, 2013

Best price on the web. Great props. GWS. A little fragile but great lift! A must upgrade for Q-BOT, V929, V949, MQX.

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