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Contador GWS EP hélice giratoria (RH-9047 228x119mm) Gris (6pcs / set)

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Contador GWS EP hélice giratoria (RH-9047 228x119mm) Gris (6pcs / set)


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Todo GWS EP Propulsores abastecido!

Contador GWS EP hélice giratoria (RH-9047 228x119mm) (6pcs / set)

  • Diámetro X ( pulgadas ) 9.00
  • Y de paso ( pulgadas ) 4.70
  • Rotación CCW

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-13


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Farzin | Comprador verificado

  • Overall
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Customer Rated

Nov 02, 2013

Absolute piece of GARBAGE - DO NOT waste your money on these props. They are out of balance, extremely weak at the root. Flex and Flutter like hell. The worst purchase I have ever made at HK. And guess what, I made a mistake in order Qty, and inadvertently ordered twelve packs of it (different colours - 72 pieces all up). They are all the same rubbish. I will sell them for US$2 per pack. Any body interested!!!???

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