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Sistema de energía Micro HKP8-C10 con la caja de cambios, más 8700kv Prop

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Sistema de energía Micro HKP8-C10 con la caja de cambios, más 8700kv Prop


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Outrunner sin cepillo micro con el sistema de engranajes y un apoyo del 7x3.5.
par enorme para un sistema de motor pequeño.
Tipo: sin escobillas
Dimensión (motor / caja de cambios): 44 x 32 mm
Longitud del eje (prop Monte): 15mm
Diámetro del eje (Prop Monte): 3.7mm
Peso: 10g
Corriente máxima: 4.8A
Max Watts: 40w
KV: 8700rpm / v
Max Voltaje: 8.4v
Prop sugerida: 7x3.5
Datos de prueba;
Voltaje: 7.4v, 8.4v
Corriente: 4.1A, 4.8A
Watts: 30.34, 40.32W
Empuje: 172g, 212g
Eficiencia (g / w): 5.67, 5.26
  • Kv (rpm / v) 8700.00
  • Corrientes max (A) 5.00
  • Resistencia ( MH ) 0.00
  • Max Voltaje ( V ) 8.00
  • Potencia ( W ) 40.00
  • Un eje ( mm ) 1.00
  • B Longitud ( mm ) 6.00
  • C Diámetro ( mm ) 18.00
  • Puede longitud D ( mm ) 5.00
  • Longitud Total E ( mm ) 17.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-10


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ludaero | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 15, 2014

Vraiment du par ce produit, l'hlice ne se monte pas dessus il faut l'ajuster!
Je l'ai utilis sur un modle indoor 3D de 65cm d'envergure et 120gr RTF en 2S lipo, le moteur a eu du mal le faire dcoller, alors pour la 3D il est vraiment pas conseiller!
De plus, au premier vol, l'axe de la couronne secondaire s'est dsolidariser!

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 21, 2013

A nice combo to have for self-built indoor flyer. A good replacement for efilite micro model too.

sa0746 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 17, 2013

Buena opcion para mi avion f3p

reblacklaf | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Feb 20, 2013

Have not been able to test yet but find one major flaw. The Prop adapter is a slip fit and doesn't allow anyway to tighten the prop to the shaft. I will have to use some type of glue to secure it or try to thread the plastic prop mount to accept a screw. Also there are only 2 hookup points for the mount. Three would be better so you can set side and down thrust. As it stands I will have to make several mounting boards with different offsets until the correct thrust line is determined.


David | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 20, 2011

Was able to destroy this motor gearbox combo within an hour of bench testing. First the prop started to slip on the shaft adapter. So I fixed that. Second the large gear started to slip outward toward the prop. So I fixed that. Third motor mounted gear moved in toward the motor. So I fixed that. fourth after running off and on with a 2S pack I noticed some notchy rotation. Inspection revealed the prop shaft had worn its hole in the plastic mount out. Could not fix that.

The motor actually ran fine and the metal 1.5MM prop shaft is pretty hard. Unfortunately the plastic bearing surface is not so tough. You may have better luck than I did but I can not recomend this item.

Phil S | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 11, 2011

Motor seems very notchy, maybe due to small number of magnets in shell. Makes gearbox seem to be binding. With gearbox will not start on 1 cell using either TG or HC 1s 3A ESC. Will run on 2s but I do not have a 2s application small enough. I will try the motor without GB on 1s and see how that goes.

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