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Hobbyking ™ Slowfly hélice 11x4.5 Negro (CW / CCW) (4pcs)

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Hobbyking ™ Slowfly hélice 11x4.5 Negro (CW / CCW) (4pcs)


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Gracias al material de nylon utilizados en la construcción de estas hélices ofrecen un mayor rendimiento y eficiencia que las hace perfectas para su proyecto multi-rotor. Estos apoyos 11x4.5 pulgadas son muy rígida en comparación con otros propulsores de plástico disponibles y son moldeados con precisión para garantizar un equilibrio óptimo de la fábrica. Cuentan con varios adaptadores prop para que esos apoyos para adaptarse a cualquier eje de la hélice de 3 mm a 6,5 ​​mm de diámetro.

Diámetro: 11 pulgadas
Paso: 4,5 pulgadas
Hub Espesor: 6.6mm
Diámetro del eje: 3 ~ 6,5 mm (con adaptadores)
Peso: 16g cada hélice

Nota: Estos apoyos son para uso eléctrico solamente.

  • Diámetro X ( pulgadas ) 11.00
  • Y de paso ( pulgadas ) 4.50
  • Rotación CW/CCW

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-13


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Aviator | Comprador verificado

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Slowfly propeller

Jun 27, 2020

These Propellers,do the job. Not really strong,but are suitable.

Aviator | Comprador verificado

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Service,with a smile

Oct 07, 2019

Used these propellers,for long time.on my tricopter.Had no problems. Very reliable

Ray | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 12, 2016

I've been using 10x4.5 props on my quad copter, which is quite heavy, and it works pretty well, just about 50 to 60pcnt throttle to hover. I tried these 11x4.5 props, and my quad would not even lift off at well over 80pcnt throttle. I took them off immediately. Not happy with them at all.

rls0022 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 30, 2015

Very brittle, very hard to balance

Martin | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 25, 2015


Keith says it well in the comments:
''The pitch angle is positive near the root, then goes negative near the tips! This is a terrible design and sacrifices a LOT of performance.''

Basically half the propeller is pushing air one way, the other half is fighting against it and pushing the other way. A good propeller should push the air in the same direction along the whole plane of the blade. These do not.

HobbyKing sell plenty of other propellers that are decent, unfortunately these are not one of them.

Here's what a prop should look like:
Here's what these look like:

AVOID THESE PROPS, they are massively flawed.

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 16, 2015

Buone eliche., economiche e ressistentissime.Ricordatevi di bilanciarle

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 05, 2014

very good stuff ... very easy to use ... you need this stuff .... I wear this item on my motor quapcoter with dt750

MrMous | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 31, 2014

good props, just a bit small for what I needed. will keep them for future builds. very well balanced.

Wayne | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 16, 2014

These props are way too heavy........I've run other 11" props fine on my tricopter DT750 3S but wanted something a bit more rigid....these heavy props drain my lipo in about 5 mins or less and barely gets off the ground with full throttle.....whereas I was getting 12 to 15 minutes on other 11" plastic props.

cencen | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 14, 2014

I bought 2 packs of these props and they are really awful. HK should have controlled these before selling them. These are manufactured NOT correctly. They are thick, rough, heavy and give absolutely NO LIFT!! Now I want to return them.

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