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Hobbyking ™ Slowfly hélice 11x4.7 Glow (CW) (6pcs)

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Hobbyking ™ Slowfly hélice 11x4.7 Glow (CW) (6pcs)


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Combo fluorescente 1147 (3pc Std Rotación / 3pc R-Hand Rotation) (6PCS)

  • Diámetro X ( pulgadas ) 11.00
  • Y de paso ( pulgadas ) 4.70
  • Rotación CW

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-13


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merlin_1 | Comprador verificado

  • Overall
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Customer Rated

Jun 30, 2015

I bought 18 of these props and they are all very bad, almost impossible to balance on a magnetic balancer.
I wish I had of known this prior to ordering.
BEWARE, very bad props.

Daniel | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 25, 2013

I purchased several different sizes of these blades from 7x6s to 1147s and they are all the worst props I have ever used. The material is brittle and easily breaks on a prop strike. I have rebuilt my tricopter twice since I purchased these props due to the props coming apart in mid air (using 700kv motors.) Oh, and they barely even glow.

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