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245 mm Marco Hobbyking fibra de vidrio Micro Quadcopter

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245 mm Marco Hobbyking fibra de vidrio Micro Quadcopter


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El bastidor de fibra de vidrio HobbyKing Micro Quadcopter es una plataforma de bajo costo pero con estilo para sus proyectos de micro QuadCopter.

Construido a partir de peso ligero de fibra de vidrio sin embargo, rígidos, que ofrece una gran combinación de ligereza y resistencia. Incluye un conjunto completo de hardware de nylon que hace que el montaje de una brisa y mantiene el peso total hacia abajo.

Ofrecemos una línea completa de productos electrónicos tales como quads quadcopter placa de control, ESC y motores. Nunca ha sido tan fácil y asequible para obtener un quad en el aire!

Altura: 75 mm
Ancho: 245 mm
Agujeros de montaje del motor de pernos: 26mm

4 x Turnigy 1612-3200kv (o similar tamaño / kv)
4 x 6 ~ 10 Amp ESC
4 x 5x3 Prop (2CW y 2CCW)
1 x Multi-Rotor Junta de Control de HobbyKing
batería 1 x 800 ~ 1000mAh 7.4v Lipo 2S
16 x M2x8 Tornillos (por motor)
16 tuercas de fijación M2 x (por motor)
Su propio receptor de radio y 4 canales

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Ben | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 22, 2012

Very good quality construction. All pieces cut and drilled accurately. Small and light for micro quad setup. Hardware is also quality and they even provide extra. Fiberglass panels are thin and flexible, yet the structure becomes rigid once assembled. I would buy again.

mdcollins | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 17, 2012

Frame itself is nice, unhappy with the fact that the "Required" motors don't mount on the frame, which requires either drilling a new set of holes or some other way to adapt it.

Andreas | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 14, 2012

Das Frame ist leider nicht zu gebrauchen.
Es ist viel zu weich und verdreht, bzw. verbiegt sich schon beim hinschauen.
An einen Flug ist nicht zu denken!
Ich werde wieder mein Holzframe nehmen und nur einige Teile des Kid verwenden.

Gru, Andi

ajunior | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 23, 2012

Boa resistncia e estabilidade.

StevenC | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 10, 2012

I bought this to replace my borken Turnigy Micro Quad frame. I am disappointed to find that they don't use same motor mount. It has 3 holes instead of 4. I will have to drill new holes. Other than that, it seems much stronger than Turnigy Micro Quad which I broke 2 of them in medium crashes.

Neokiller | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 28, 2012

The motor type proposed in the description does not fit properly on the shape: there are too small and no holes have been designed in order to fix the motors.
I think i will use loctite to fix them.
Don't buy it, prefer to create your own shape.

fern420 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 11, 2012

First, this is a mini quad, not micro. The suggested micro sized motors and esc's (same included with the HK micro quad RTF) shown on the product page will not fit, the kit actually calls for 1504 motors right on the box as well as 10A esc's, hobbyking should not be advertising this as a micro, it's a mini. Here are the actual recommended specs right off the box:

length: 210mm, Width: 210mm,Flying Weight:270g, Motor: 2700KV 1504,BEC:10A,Prop 5030*3, Battery: 7.4 2200Mah

welcome99 | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 05, 2012

Excellent frame, light and strong. With 2900 kV Motor and 7,4 V Lipo very good flight properties. I have a lot of fun !

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 22, 2012

awesome, just got it today. feels high quality | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 18, 2012

nice for indoor use , and very sturdy and crash proof

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