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HobbyKing Go Discover FPV 1600mm - Sustitución de plástico del sostenedor del ala (4pcs)

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HobbyKing Go Discover FPV 1600mm - Sustitución de plástico del sostenedor del ala (4pcs)


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HobbyKing Go Discover FPV 1600mm - Sustitución de plástico del sostenedor del ala (4pcs)

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 26, 2015

good replacement plastic wing holder

mark | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 01, 2014

I think that this item is average value for money but it is not complete!
if you end up breaking one of these the chances are that you will have broken the licking pins as well and i think there pins should be available as a seperate order item or at the very least be available in the replacement parts section along with the wing holders .

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