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Hobbyking X650F Quadcopter soporte de la batería (2pcs)

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Hobbyking X650F Quadcopter soporte de la batería (2pcs)


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Hobbyking X650F Quadcopter soporte de la batería (2pcs)

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__HaKK | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 25, 2014

These brackets are great for Tarot T-2D gimbal as original gimbals have no flex and cannot be as easily snapped on and off the rail of X650F. Also, the tiny battery plate of X650F can replaced with "Turnigy H.A.L. Battery Mount Plate" to accommodate batteries much better and with multiple plates with brackets you can just snap on the replacement battery. I also used 30mm M2.5 bolts and 10mm M3 Nylon Tapped Spacers to lower the gimbal and battery tray.

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