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HobbyKing ™ Hélice 5x3 Negro (CW / CCW) (6pcs)

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HobbyKing ™ Hélice 5x3 Negro (CW / CCW) (6pcs)


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3 x 5x3 hélice estándar
3 x 5x3 hélice giratoria Contador

  • Diámetro X ( pulgadas ) 5.00
  • Y de paso ( pulgadas ) 3.00
  • Rotación CW/CCW

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-13


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Luboss | Comprador verificado

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one wing

Dec 03, 2019

Just enlarge the hole and my x-vert flies again. I'm satisfied

Marcos Marques | Comprador verificado

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Aug 07, 2019


Rex | Comprador verificado

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Light and well balanced

Aug 14, 2018

They work very well with the Emax 3100kv motor on a Scythe flying wing built light.

Laudemer | Comprador verificado

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4 mm shaft, have to ream out

Apr 20, 2018

Fair price good quality, five stars because I got them on sale for like 80% off the regular price

Gardner | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 15, 2015

I ordered 16 packs to use with the V2 2206 Multistar Baby Beast. The Multistar Baby Beast has a 5 mm shaft. I assumed the props would fit which was a bad assumption. But in all fairness the ID of the prop was not given in the HobbyKing web page. I am in the process of reaming each prop out to 5 mm.

The pros are rather fragile but should work for flying outdoors where there are no obstacles. If you do hit something the prop will break which is not bad considering the low cost and the prop failure may have saved the motor shaft.

Robin | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 08, 2015

Terrible quality - I had to spend about 10 minutes of sanding per prop to balance them. The hole is not the same diameter through (so for reverse-thrusting fixed-wing I had to drill it out), and there are lots of plastic sprue legs which need to be cut off...

| Comprador verificado

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Aug 16, 2015

They were pretty floppy but I put it on the E-Max motor and the hub of the prop was to small for this

Arkky | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 30, 2015

I slapped these bad boys on m 250 and it shook my fpv camera loose. It's not worth the money to remove them and take the time to balance them. It's pretty bad but you do get what you pay for.

gunnacrash | Comprador verificado

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May 15, 2015

way off balance , need to add a lot of tape to one side

Sam.Cee | Comprador verificado

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May 06, 2015

How can you not love such a deal!! has a full set for a QAV250 plus 2 extras!!

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