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Tren de aterrizaje de avión Micro cubierta (1 par)

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Tren de aterrizaje de avión Micro cubierta (1 par)


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Tren de aterrizaje de la Micro y Plano de interior (1 par)

Diámetro: 25 mm
Altura: 10 mm
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Everette | Comprador verificado

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Dec 09, 2016

Please tell us F3P/builders when these Micro landing gear will be available. We have been waiting TOO long! Thanks......

Everette | Comprador verificado

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Dec 09, 2016

Please tell us F3P/builders when these Micro landing gear will be available. We have been waiting TOO long! Thanks......

Everette | Comprador verificado

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Dec 09, 2016

Please tell us when these Micro landing gear will be back in stock. We F3P flyers/builders have been waiting TOO long! Thanks.....

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 30, 2013

Rad: Gewicht 0,57g Durchmesser 25mm

Felgenbreite 3mm

Nabe Breite 6mm Bohrung 4mm

Achsschenkel Winkel 45 fer 2mm Achse und 2mm Fahrwerk Gewicht 0,21g Achshalterlaenge 13mm Fahrgestellhalterlaenge 10mm

Radkappe (T) 0,19g mit 4mm Achse fuer Rad und 2mm Bohrung fuer Radachse

Radkappenaufnahmeschenkel je 11,5mm lang

Achse 0,07g

krizio2000 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 15, 2013

idea geniale per costruire carrelli di atterraggio ad aerei indor in depron. Grande idea HK!!!!

Tank532 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 14, 2013

Duper simple, super handy and very cheap!

Evil Pusher | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 14, 2013

Wunderbar, leicht und gnstig

sfactor1 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 04, 2012

Landing Gear for Micro Indoor Plane (1pair) is good! but u already knew that sorry for the crappy review. i just want some bonus points because hbbyking doesnt reward you anymore for answering questions in the discussion area. i want to get paid for doing CS work that they neglect. a bad review gets censored so these reviews arent very accurate anyways. also the longer the review, the more bonus points you get. they are only a few pennies so hobbyking doesnt really lose out. on the otherhand the customers get angry when they cancel the credit system without notifying the platinum members that they will no longer get credits for basically for doing the cs and tech support work for them. "Please include technical information and any useful data which may help other customers." really? that is the responsibility of the company that is selling the product! when you buy a car do you expect that the previous customer find out the wheelbase, fuel economy and dyno tested the horsepower figure? nope! just go by my star rating for a product. but beware that anything less than a 3 star rating might be deleted! hobbyking should have just deleted kellyann's credits instead of making the whole hk customer base angry by screwing us all over because they wrote a bad program to begin with. they could deleted kellyann but they chose not too. but dont worry. i only give a product a 5 sytar rating if i beleive it to be a 5 star rated product. if i think the product is no good, i will post it as

Daniel Z | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 28, 2012

I make my own foamys, but always installing the whels in a secure and light way was a PITA!

I always wondered why noone had a Solution like the shockfliers kits! Thank You!!

Gadget-Geek | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 20, 2012

Same as what come with the Techone profile planes. After buying these I noticed that HK has 25mm light foam wheels that work better but still nice to be able to buy these separately.

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