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Micro D-17 con motor sin escobillas

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Micro D-17 con motor sin escobillas


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El micro D-17 viene 80% pre-construido e incluye un motor C10 2900kv y todo el hardware, tales como barras de control, los cuernos, tren de aterrizaje y la hélice para completar el modelo.

Este pequeño avión linda requerirá dos servos 2,5 g, un esc 5A y una lipo 500mAh 2S y su propio transmisor y receptor (Tx / Rx) para estar lista para volar en una noche.

Longitud: 410 mm
Envergadura: 512mm
Peso del vuelo: 95-110g
Motor: C10 2900kv sin escobillas outrunner (Incluido)
ESC: 5A / 2S (Obligatorio)
Objeto: 3 pulgadas (Incluido)
Servos: 2 x 2,5 g (Obligatorio)
Batería: 7.4V 500mAh Lipo 2S (Obligatorio)

5A / 2S sin escobillas CES
2 x servos 2.5g
Su propia TX y RX
7.4V 500mAh Lipo 2S

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rizka | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 20, 2011

very weak plane the foam is very fragile ,the motor is small and not very powerful ,the stickers will not stay on looks like they have stuck then 3 hours later they are curled up :( ...the double sided tape on the wings doesnt stick the plane looks like a damage repair before its even flown with bits of paint missing and cracks all over .....pass on this its not worth the money ...

Kallanon | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 06, 2011

None of the stickers stick, and this is one ugly bird wearing nothing but it's baby blue. Foam support in center of fuse was broken when I recieved it. Slots for control arms will need to be enlarged as they are not as wide as the carbon fiber rod with heat shrink on it. Motor mount fell off lifting plane out of box (held on with what looks like hot glue) All in all dissapointed with the product.

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