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Micro Spitfire con motor sin escobillas

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Micro Spitfire con motor sin escobillas


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El Micro Spitfire viene 80% pre-construido e incluye un motor C10 2900kv todo el hardware, tales como barras de control, los cuernos, tren de aterrizaje y la hélice para completar el modelo.

Este micro Warbird requerirá dos servos 2,5 g, un esc 5A y una lipo 2S 200 mAh estar lista para volar en una noche.

Longitud: 460 mm
Envergadura: 510mm
Peso del vuelo: 90-100g
Motor: outrunner C10 sin escobillas
ESC: 5A / 2S
Objeto: 4 pulgadas
Servos: 2x2.5g
Batería: 7.4V 200mAh Lipo 2S

5A / 2S sin escobillas CES
2 x servos 2.5g
Su propia TX y RX
7.4V 200mAh Lipo 2S

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Byron | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 03, 2013

In a word, Brittle. Properly trimmed I can see this flying quite well, unfortunately it was not very forgiving. First flight a crosswind caught it and dented a wing. The next flight saw the tail torn off.
In flight it works really well and with good servos you feel in control. Just dont crash or you have confetti and a 2900kv motor.
Also Mine was missing the wheels. I had some lying around from an old airplane though that fit.

con244 | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Feb 26, 2011

I bought this plane as a RTF including the motor batteries and servos. As this version only includes the motor I will confine myself to reviewing the plane and motor only. The plane arrived well packaged and the parts were in good condition. They fit together ok but not exactly but I guess that is to be expected with such a cheap model. The motor supplied with mine was a C10 out runner and it was rubbish. It kept wanting to pull itself apart while running and the screws to stop this were of such poor quality that the slots became unusable for proper tightening. I ended up ordering a new motor which was a much better example of the C10 motor. With the new motor installed I found that the plane was a good flyer and was suitable to use as a low wing trainer. The undercarriage was a little flimsey but it did the job on a hard runway. I have not been able to find replacement props or spinners on HK so if anyone knows where they are could you let me know. 3 stars only because of the poor motor supplied in my model.

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