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Multirotor plegable Hélice 6x4,5 Roja (CW / CCW) (4pcs)

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Multirotor plegable Hélice 6x4,5 Roja (CW / CCW) (4pcs)


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6 x 4,5 palas de las hélices plegables 1 par CW y CCW 1 par (rojo)

Perfecto para 250 multiracers de estilo y multicopters, cada cuchilla se fabrica a partir de nylon y está equipado con un inserto de latón para la fuerza a través de la raíz de la pala.

Diámetro: 6ins
Pitch: 4.5ins
Espesor de la raíz: 2.7mm
Montaje agujero: 2 mm
Dirección: 1 par las agujas del reloj, 1 par en sentido antihorario
Color: Rojo
Peso: 1 g cada pala

  • Diámetro X ( pulgadas ) 6.00
  • Y de paso ( pulgadas ) 4.50
  • Rotación CW/CCW

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-13


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Mayukh | Comprador verificado

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Good looks but not tough enough!

Jun 23, 2017

Good looking propellers, but seem poorly built. I bought the "2mm 2 Blade CNC Folding Propeller Adapter CW & CCW (Titanium)" but the screw bolts it came with were larger than the holes in these props, so I had to ream out substantially. Then after fitting everything, the props simply turned out to be totally out of balance. Then I balances them out carefully, but still at lift-off throttle, they flex upwards and the quad simply doesn't take off. Guess only if they could make it stronger and with less flex, these would be great additions to DIY builds.

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