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PLA Premium Pastel Green 1kg 1.75mm HobbyKing

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PLA Premium Pastel Green 1kg 1.75mm HobbyKing


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HobbyKing Premium 3D printing filaments set the new gold standard in 3D filaments. Print with strong, flexible filament to create spare parts, artworks and 3D models.

HobbyKing Premium PLA has a lower melting point and prints easier than other materials. One of the most important features is that PLA is non-toxic, and even has a sweet smell when printing. PLA has a low shrinkage rate and it is very rigid with minimal flex. This material can print extremely high resolution models and is perfect for a wide range of uses. PLA is considered stronger than ABS but is more susceptible to cracking when subjected to flexing, impact or torsional loads so the mechanical needs of the print project need to be evaluated.

PLA has a huge range of vibrant colors and opacity for that perfect look whether it is artistic or utilitarian, in short a great material for 3D printing. PLA can be printed without the use of a heat bead, and can stick to glass or a PCB plate with a binder such as hairspray or white glue for a curl free print.

3D printing is a fun and exciting hobby with a wide range of uses from prototyping parts to making toys for the kids. Picking the right filament for your application is very important.

• Stable melting point
• Good round shape
• Uniform diameter tolerance 0.05mm
• Consistent colors

Filament Material: PLA Premium
Melting Point: 195°C
Print Temperature: 195~215°C
Bed Temperaure: 35~60°C
Filament Diameter: 1.75mm
Quantity: 1Kg
Color: Pastel Green

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Maspin | Comprador verificado

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May 16, 2019

Facile a utiliser, très belle couleur....

Gazza | Comprador verificado

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good quality

Apr 18, 2019

excellent PLA filament gives excellent results no jamming or wind problems just good results

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