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Piper PA-18 SuperCub Plug-n-Fly 18A sin cepillo w / 3 servos EPO

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Piper PA-18 SuperCub Plug-n-Fly 18A sin cepillo w / 3 servos EPO


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Si usted es un detalle a escala monstruo alejarse ahora, este plano no es para ti!
El PA-18 es un Piper Cub EPO que lo compensa la falta de detalle escala con la diversión, características de vuelo fáciles y que se preocupe sensación libre de espuma EPO. Sabiendo que no será lanzando el avión en la basura en su primer aterrizaje fallido.
Una problemas tarda foamie que usted no estar preocupado de probar nuevos trucos con.

Envergadura: 1070mm
Longitud: 710 mm
Volar Peso: 430g
Área del ala: 17,1 g / dm2
Servo: 3x9g
Motor: 400 Potente sin escobillas Outrunner
ESC: 18A
Objeto: 9x5

Su propia TX y RX
batería de 1300mAh 3S 20C Lipo

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kiel | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 27, 2013

I bought this for my father in law to train on before taking his nice super scale j3 up. He has never flow it because this plane was awful.

First, the build was a nightmare as the tail section is super brittle and weak. Any bump will cause the foam to snap.

Second, the wing supports are a joke as they broke on the first flight causing a awful landing that broke my tail section (again).

Finally, I have gutted this plane and used the motor and sec in a foamy 3d plane I made.

I had hopes for this plane but I was disappointed. Buy the larger Cessna trainer as it is awesome and not too much more money. 4 channel and 4 servo.

cmavr8 | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 18, 2012

Ok, this is a very bad trainer... I can hardly take-off, and almost always it just banks to one side and hits the ground.

I have balanced it very carefully, limited throws etc, but this plane keeps crashing. I'm giving up on it... gonna buy a bixler.

1stAidan | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 11, 2012

Beautiful flyer! Very gentle, and smooth. That said, the roll rate is dangerously slow and the aileron servo doesn't return to center. Anyway... I'm using this plane for FPV because of the stability. On a side note- I've been flying for 15 years, what's a gentle aircraft to me may be uncontrollable for another.

moshicko2001 | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 19, 2012

Good quality .

best for beginner .

Very cheap for what you get .

i try it with 2200 mah battery and its more fast and more comfidence.


Pacman69 | Comprador verificado

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Jun 25, 2012

This is a great trainer. I have owned it for 6 months and still learning the hobby with it. I agree with the modifications listed by other people. They are

1. The wheels will fall off first flight as the plastic on the end of the wire will break. Get some of those metal things with a grub screw to hold the wheels on.

2. Do not fit the fairing to the undercarriage/landing gear, and bend the wheels forward otherwise it tips on its nose on landing. Alternately put a front wheel.

3. The spars are crap and brake on the slightest bump. Throw them away and fit a carbon rod to the wing to reinforce it. Just cut out the foam with a knife and epoxy the rod in place.

4. The speed controller (ESC) loses sync at full throttle. Either fly it at half throttle or get a new speed controller.

5. The battery cover pops off. Use a big fat rubber band to hold the battery in. The 1300 3S battery is a real tight fit already in front compartment.

Besides that, everything is good, and this is quite aerobatic and flies with authority. You can fly this thing real high so that if you make a mistake you have plenty of time to recover. It does bounce around a lot in the wind, so fly with wind less than 10 kmh.

Pacman69 | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 22, 2012

This is a great trainer. I have owned it for 6 months and still learning the hobby with it. I agree with the modifications listed by other people. They are

1. The wheels will fall off first flight as the plastic on the end of the wire will break. Get some of those metal things with a grub screw to hold the wheels on.

2. Do not fit the fairing to the undercarriage, and bend the wheels forward otherwise it tips on its nose on landing. Alternately put a front wheel.

3. The spars are crap and brake on the slightest bump. Throw them away and fit a carbon rod to the wing to reinforce it. Just cut out the foam with a knife and epoxy the rod in place.

4. The speed controller (ESC) loses sync at full throttle. Either fly it at half throttle or get a new speed controller.

5. The battery cover pops off. Just use a big fat rubber band to hold the battery in.

Besides that, everything is good, and this is quite aerobatic. You can fly this thing real high so that if you make a mistake you have plenty of time to recover.

Normaly, on crash all that needs replacing is the motor and prop. Order a heap of these things and the cheapest 9050 props from ebay.

Decimoni | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 09, 2012

Aeronave ruim de pilotar com pouco vento, trem de pouso fraco, trem de pouso traseiro quebrou no primeiro pouso, muito fraco o aero

Francis | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 24, 2012

I'm sure this won't post but here goes.I got it today and tossed it in the trash. No receiver,battery,charger,adapter,12amp esc should have a 25a, no transmitter,and conflicting instructions. I'm a platinum member, what a joke. I still have a couple hundred dollars of stuff still coming. Oh boy did I take a screwing. Thats what I get for trying to save some money. Never buying from here again..

jogarce | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 18, 2012

Im very disappointed of my plane arrived w/o elevator and rudder until now I have not received the missing parts

SigiK | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 16, 2012

Tossed the wing struts and glued a 3mm CF rod into the wing instead. Removed the wing attachment catch and fitted dowels and rubber bands. Reamed the 2 bulk heads of the second compartment under the wings and fitted an 18mm thin Zippy 1600 mAh 3S 20C battery. Fitting the battery is a little tricky as it has to slide back to start with and then is pushed forward. Battery slides forward as far as possible, but still had to add nose weight. Can't fly on full throttle as motor seizes up, but flies ok on half throttle. I don't use the wheels, but taped the u/s with Gaffa tape for belly landing in grass. Cut the motor shaft and fitted a prop saver. Aileron bell cranks needed work to make them center properly. Plane is very light and does not like any wind at all. Would not recommend this model as a trainer.

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