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Quanum Nova FPV GPS Waypoint QuadCopter - Receptor

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Quanum Nova FPV GPS Waypoint QuadCopter - Receptor


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Quanum Nova FPV GPS Waypoint QuadCopter - Receptor

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Robbert Loos | Comprador verificado

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May 17, 2016

very easy to use and low cost.

greatbigste | Comprador verificado

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Jun 12, 2015

My RX just arrived and it is indeed the new twin antenna diversity version ! Weather it has any better range than the old model has yet to be seen ! I fly mine with an orange reciever so who knows ? Only purchased this to sell the copter on as a full set up. I can confirm that the reciever bound up to transmitter without the use of a bind plug without any problems and fitting is a breeze as its quite small.

Docspace | Comprador verificado

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Jul 26, 2014

Hi there just adding a little information relating to binding this Unit to your existing Nova Transmitter

Step 1. place the RX down in front of you with the antenna end facing out to your right hand side

Step2. From top to bottom pins located on the l/h side (1)Aileron/(2)Elev/(3)Thro(ESC)/(4)Rudd, bottom pin is the bind plug position

Step 3 -Negative pin is the outside Left an Positive pin the inside Right

Step 4. First make sure you insert bind plug
Connect ESC to Thro(3) then power up, red indicator light should flash

Step 5. Now turn your transmitter on within 5or so beeps it should bind,remove bind plug an disconnect power, switch off transmitter, then back on then power up esc it should be bound

Hoped this Helps

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