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Quanum XJ470 CF Deportes plegables Quadcopter Frame w / orientado hacia delante montaje de cardán

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Quanum XJ470 CF Deportes plegables Quadcopter Frame w / orientado hacia delante montaje de cardán


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El XJ470 Quad Quanum es montar el avance más refinado marco quad cardán en el mercado hoy en día. El XJ470 está hecho de fibra de carbono y aluminio anodizado duro de la construcción CNC, para hacer una plataforma fuerte y ligero, con características como ningún otro.

El escuchar la retroalimentación del cliente, el XJ470 fue diseñado para doblar para el transporte y almacenamiento, sin embargo Quanum no quieren sacrificar la resistencia o añadir peso. El resultado es un sistema de pivote CNC anodizado duro que se dobla como la estructura de bastidor. A diferencia de otras marcas que utilizan cierres de plástico, el XJ470 tiene tornillos de pulgar de aluminio para el plegado rápido y seguro. El cardán delante montaje fue diseñado para soportar una amplia gama de cardanes sin escobillas estándar con placa, ferrocarril y capacidad de configuración dedal, la apertura de opciones para apoyar a otras plataformas de cámara.

Los brazos de carbono de 16 mm envuelta están perfectamente adaptados a las hermosas soportes de motor CNC para una armadura de avión sólida que sólo pesa 410 g. La cámara montada delante ayuda con la orientación y estilo, manteniendo el centro de gravedad de quads en la línea de aviación deportiva.

El Quanum XJ470 es la mezcla perfecta de durabilidad, portabilidad, peso, y busca la clase cuádruple cámara frontal de montaje.

• La fibra de carbono completa y CNC de construcción de aluminio anodizado duro
• Diseño plegable para facilitar su transporte
• plegables de metal y sistema de bloqueo
• Brazos de 16mm de carbono con soportes de motor de aluminio de tocho
• hacia delante completa frente a las opciones de montaje del cardán para una amplia gama de cardanes
• distancia entre ejes 470 mm para una amplia gama de opciones de energía
• estilo único y diseño funcional

Distancia entre ejes: 470mm
Peso: 410g
Construcción: La fibra de carbono y aluminio anodizado duro CNC
Montaje del motor: 16x19mm

4 x 2212 ~ 4006mm 640 ~ 1200KV (o similar tamaño / kv)
4 x 15 ~ 25 Amp ESC
4 x 8x4 ~ 10x4.5 Prop (2CW y 2CCW)
1 x controlador de vuelo y sistema de radio 5 canales
1 x 1500 3s ~ 5200mAh batería o 4s LiPoly

  • Quanum XJ 470 Foldable Quad
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Jinhyun | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 03, 2016

It's so cool frame. The arm length is enough long to attach 12inch props. Overall flight time (w/ gimbal and Gopro camera) was around 20mins with Sunnysky x3806 720KV motor, 20A ESCs, 1238 Props and Multistar 5200mah 10C battery.
The only cons is body frame is small, so I recommend use mini or thin ESC so that can put this into carbon arm.

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 09, 2016

love how this frame was built! love the sure lock metal arm support.

Jakub | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Feb 04, 2016

Frame looks good, but some parts its in my opinion litle bit week. top and bottom plate its only 1-1,5mm and this its so thin. Further landing geer has so litle mount for landing tube. But let's see how it will work and how many can withstand. for this lowest price it's relatively good buy.
rm vyzer dobre, len niektor asti s podla mjho nzoru dos slab. vrchn a spodn plt m len 1-1,5mm o je dos mlo a pristvacie liiny maj strane malink chyty trubiek ktor asi dlho nevydria. Ale uvidm ako bude fungova a koko nakoniec vydr . za tto znen cenu to ale bola relatvne dobr kpa

Matthew | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 18, 2016

Excellent frame. With current setup I am getting 19min of flight time.
3DR Pixhawk, Turnigy 9x transmitter and receiver, RC timer PPM converter, 3DR GPS with compass, EMAX 2213 935kv motors, 4 20amp little bee ESC's, and a Turnigy 4s 4000mah 20-30c lipo.
With the turnigy 9x I am getting all 6 modes by using the three position switch and gear switch combo. When using the turnigy, you have to put pin 5 in slot 6 on the receiver and move everything down. Channel 8 signal wire is not used. ESC's fit right below the motors and I used 2mm bullet connectors to connect the power the power distro board by running longer wires through the arms. Everything is a clean look and the battery is the only thing that goes under the quad. Everything else is hidden and neatly packed. The only down side about the frame is there are no replacement parts and the landing gear should be at least two inches longer to accommodate a three axis gimbal.

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 23, 2015

Went together easy, the instructions are in the files tab of this product. The parts are all very nicely made. I crashed my Quanum Nova and put the electronics in this frame and it works perfectly and I love the way it folds up and fits neatly in my backpack. the arms are very rigid in both folded and flight position. I use the DYS mini 30A ESC and they fit under the motor.

Sangho | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 18, 2015

Really good frame. Easy to assemble for intermediate user not for beginner. There are no plastic parts, all gadgets are alloy those provide elaborate assemble. But the one of quick lock & release screw (the red anodizing one) is a little bit fat (normal size is 5mm pie but the one has 5.17mm pie), so I can't push into the fixing hole. I can't understand why those 4 lock & release screw don't have same size even in the same package. It makes me frustrate.

svnautilus | Comprador verificado

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Nov 15, 2015

Good quad very brittle white top cover made my own from carbon fiber sheet then bonded the white cover to it will not break now . No instructions for assembly but not too difficult to figure out . Installed apm flight controller with gps and ext compass using afro slim speed controllers mounted in the arms props are 10x4.5 carbon fiber . This quad flies great and with multistar 5200 batteries average 16 to 18 min flying time added leds to arms for better orientation to date have 60 flights with no problems . I will buy another

Michael | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 21, 2015

There are no spares for this frame. It is a one crash throw away expensive quad.
Save your money and get a frame that has spare parts.
There was also a QC issue with the one I purchased, one CnC locking clamp had no thread. A replacement took 5 weeks to arrive from HobbyKing
There are no holes drilled to take standard flight controllers (APM / CC3D / PixHawk) or power distribution boards. You will be making bespoke wiring looms, custom mounts for all components.

Dj_Garfield | Comprador verificado

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Aug 08, 2015

What a nice Frame it is !!
I choose it first for the Design , and thought that there is enough room to mount all my stuff ( Rx , VTx , GPS, OSD ), and I didn't the wrong choice !!
Don't expect to build it in hour , you have to think about all the stuff to mount on, solder longer power , and signal wire from your ESC to the center of the frame , all cables passes through the arm's tube this give a very nice an "Pro" Look :).
I use it with an APM2.6 and it flies as an Eagle , very fast with 980Kv Motors , I reach 80km/h in straight line , at 100pcnt Throttle , The build weight 1.657Kg with motor battery and SJ4000 Camera ... I recomand , and will certainly order another XJ-470 Frame to build a spare Video plateform because it's compact , stiff . Just be carefull of "Hard Landing" to protect Landing Gear ( too thin IMHO ), but I already built spare one with Fiber Glass 2mm thin instead of 1mm Carbon ...
I you want to use other ESC than Quanum , no problem , I mounted 4 x ZTW AL series 20A just under the motors and they are well cooled :)
All carbon sheets are drilled and milled with a surgical precision , all Screws were in the package, you will find the manual in the files tab here , but the assembly becomes logical if you already build an UAV :)

david | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 04, 2015

EXCELLENT PRODUCT ... many possibilities, and very solid, except for the landing gear, ti's probably the perfectible part of it. Would have be needed to be a bit stonger, especially if you mount a gimball and want to make it flying more than 10 minutes ... other than that : it's compact and the other parts are very solid (have experienced a hard crash with it in the trees ... fortunately only props and one part of the landing gear partially break, and i could repair it - no other damages).
I like the design, and the price is correct.
The bad side is for spare parts ... not available !!! You know what you do ...

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