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R / C SeaPort Diversión Escala Remolcador de 3 canales (listo para ejecutarse)

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R / C SeaPort Diversión Escala Remolcador de 3 canales (listo para ejecutarse)


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El puerto es un remolcador 510mm escala barco de RC divertido. Cariñosamente conocido por la oficina HobbyKing como el SS Tuggaroo, este tira y viene con algunas características excelentes escala de los parachoques y ruedas de caucho a la izada tambores y unos pocos funcionales así. El remolcador incluso incluye un soporte de exhibición para demostrar que fuera. El remolcador tiene trabajando luces de navegación y un chorro de agua controlable, ideal para refrescarse en la piscina de los niños. El remolcador viene con un sistema de RC 3 canales con un estilo de propulsión góndola y sistema de dirección para el último en control.

El puerto Remolcador viene con todo en la caja, incluso la batería para el transmisor, por lo que puede empezar a tirar de los barcos en la piscina en ningún momento!

• Fábrica montada y lista para funcionar
• Motor de alto rendimiento
• Las del exterior
• neumáticos de goma de protección blandas
• chorro de agua controlable
• luces de navegación de Trabajo

Longitud: 20ins (510mm)
Ancho: 8ins (205mm)
Altura: 355 mm (14ins)

Tire del barco Escala diversión
transmisor de 3 canales
batería de 9V TX
la batería de 9.6v 1000mah
Soporte de exhibición

* Nota * cargador puede no tener enchufe adecuado para todos los países. Un pequeño adaptador de enchufe puede ser necesaria para su uso. cargador incluido es enchufe de la UE.

  • Capacidad ( mAh ) 2200.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-12


  • Work Boat
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Jim | Comprador verificado

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Jul 12, 2015

Very nice boat with lots of details. Easy to do with plastics these days. Too bad the radio part wasn't upgraded to a modern set up and not a system nearly 50 years old. 27 mhz frequency along with crappy gear box for rudder steering make for quite a challenge when trying to steer. Motor runs on either off or full speed - no speed control. My steering gear box started ratcheting about 8 minutes into my first run with the boat in my pool. Gears stripped from what I can see. HK want me to send a video of the problem - how do you take a video of something that is now broken and won't work?

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Jul 12, 2015

Way overpriced - should be around $15. 27mhz "radio system" and antiquated steering control do not help. Propeller speed is full both in forward and reverse so you have to flick the speed control off and on there is no slow or medium speed..

My steering control broke (started ratcheting about 8 minutes after I put it in my pool to run. Took top deck off and checked out the poorly designed gear box for rudder control, and found gears stripped and out of position. Nice looking plastic unit but takes on a huge amount of water. Deck to hull screws are pretty sadly mounted - some overtightened, others just sitting there in their holes. Maybe mine was build on a Friday afternoon?? Poor value - sorry.

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Nov 26, 2014


RobDT | Comprador verificado

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Jan 02, 2014

Hey all, tug boat came perfectly packaged and ready to run right out of the box. I'd throw away the crappy wall charger it comes with and give the battery a decent top up with a good charger for first time use. The model it's self is nicely scaled and tacks nicely in the water. The steering is a little crappy but I think if I can be bothered changing the servo then it should be o.k. The stock transmitter does the job but man is it cheap! hehe

Overall I'm pretty happy with the tug, even if you don't run it in the water it looks great on the desk with the stand it comes with and if you are into a little bit of painting and weathering then I bet you could make the model look spectacular. If you really wanted to go all out, ebay sells some rc boat smoke kits that you could easily fit into this for that scale effect. I'm tempted but they cost more than the boat.

JarradS | Comprador verificado

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Dec 10, 2013

Arrived today in perfect condition, really happy with it. I bought it with the expectation of doing some modifications to it, ESC, Battery and adding a rudder servo are planned. I will do a report after maiden voyage.

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