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RJX X-TRON 500 Cabeza Damper Cauchos 6 x 11 x 4 mm # X500-8012

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RJX X-TRON 500 Cabeza Damper Cauchos 6 x 11 x 4 mm # X500-8012


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RJX X-TRON 500 Cabeza Damper Cauchos 6 x 11 x 4 mm # X500-8012

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Autotechnica | Comprador verificado

  • Overall
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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 09, 2014

Some of the sets I got had cuts in them so they aren't great quality. I also find them far too stiff and slightly too thick. It makes my blade grips too tight, RJX head and Align heads alike. They are nice I guess if you don't mind really stiff blade grips. I suppose once the head is spinning the grips and pushed outwards and the grips should free up. I still prefer the align ones though they are a lot more expensive.

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