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Ryan ST-A Compuesto de Super Escala EP w / Flaps 1112mm (ARF)

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Ryan ST-A Compuesto de Super Escala EP w / Flaps 1112mm (ARF)


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93,60 $
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No dejes que el precio te engañe, este impresionante poco Ryan ST-A es un magnífico y muy bien hecha maqueta detallada que casi parece demasiado bueno para volar!

El fuselaje de fibra de vidrio, pantalones de la rueda y cubierta son de excelente calidad y muy bien pintado, las alas, el timón y plumas de la cola son la construcción de balsa ligera y muy bien hecha y cubierta. El conjunto de rueda de cola del timón / de dirección están montados sobre bisagras redondas y operado por un sistema de empuje / tracción interna. Las alas y los estabilizadores horizontales se montan en las barras CF y pegado con resina al fuselaje para mayor resistencia. Al igual que las barras de control, bajo el carro es una cuerda de piano adecuada, el material suministrado es amplia e incluye hilos aparejo de acero recubierto de plástico para darle un toque final de escala.

Sin duda, sería justo decir que un poco de experiencia anterior edificio es deseable para armar esta magnífica Ryan mirando pero el resultado final es un modelo a escala de qué enorgullecerse. Así como la increíble cantidad de detalle escala para un modelo de este tamaño, el Ryan también cuenta con solapas para velocidades de aterrizaje sensibles. Combinar todas las características de este modelo precioso escala con su bajo coste de construcción y este modelo es una ganga, especialmente en lo que va a durar muchos años si cuidado, modelismo alto detalle nunca fue tan barato y fácil!

Niza calidad de la fibra de vidrio del fuselaje, pantalones de la rueda y de la capucha
Acabado de pintura excelente
Alto nivel de detalle escala que incluyen el panel de líneas y remaches
Ligera Balsa alas y plumas de la cola rematada con Expertamente Aplicada Covering
Única rueda de timón de cola y orientable de empuje interno / pull Operado
Aletas montadas de serie
El paquete completo de hardware incluido
Se incluyen las instrucciones
Plástico recubierto de acero aparejo alambre incluido

Envergadura: 1112mm
Longitud: 810 mm
Volar Peso: 960 g
Canal 5

Se requiere:
Su Propia 5-6 Canal TX / RX
35-36 sin escobillas del motor Outrunner
30A ~ 40A ESC
6 x Servo 9g
Batería 1800mAh ~ 2200mAh 3S Lipo
Spinner 40mm

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Jim | Comprador verificado

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Oct 30, 2013

Opening the box this looks like an inviting challenge, sadly the cowl was not reinforced when packed by the manufacturer resulting in a cracked and out of shape cowl needing repair before beginning the "build".
Hobby King should check current stock and have manufacturer replace cowl where required and insist that future stock have the cowl sufficiently supported to avoid damage.

Hrvoje | Comprador verificado

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Jan 28, 2013

Poor quality of construction. Manual is on CD which is RW and it's making problems to load it. Everithing must be checked more than 5 times before assembling if you want to avoid mistakes. Plenty wrong made details. Some stikers must be rejusted. Cowl ring must be removed and reshaped, then you will need to play with cowl to adjust it properly. Battery hatch is not siting well there is a lot of rejusting and retighting of fuselage to make it nice. It's looks to me that there is an eror in wings and a list of about 1 cm is present measured at tips of the wings, I have checked everithing but there stil diference. I don't know what are you all talking about but my advice for those who didn't buy it..... If you didn't buy it dont buy it.

Ace Daniel | Comprador verificado

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Nov 18, 2012

Hallo, meine ist am 16.112012 angekommen, Karton absolut unbeschaedigt, Modell super verpackt. Leider ist der Lack aber wohl glashart und splittert schon beim vorsichtigen Auspacken an zwei Rumpstellen einfach ab. Seitenleitewerk ist leider etwas hher als der Rumpf mit Finne. Rumpfdeckel passt nur wenn man den Rumpf zusammen drckt. Steckholme des Flgels knnen nur ein Scherz sein..... 1x 3mm CFK-Stab. Rechtes Querruder wurde nicht sauber geschliffen, so das ein unschner Spalt entsteht. Optisch ist sie, wenn ich ihre Mngel noch beseitigen kann ein absoluter Leckerbissen. Farben von Bespannung und Lack sind 100pcnt stimmig. Nieten und angedeutete Blechhstoesse sind genialst geloest. GFK-Teile sind sauber gefertigt, Spanten fest und gut verklebt. In ihrer Gre ein echter Eye-catcher. Gewicht finde ich voll ok, guter Standart wuerde ich sagen.

Wildduck | Comprador verificado

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Oct 15, 2012

And now a complete review
This plane is NOT an ARF!!! It Looks great, and invites to further modfications for extra scale look. Great quality. I'm dying to have my first flight - just waiting for better weather. Haven't been able to find fligth reviews, but read some bad ones for a very similar plane from Golden Age Models. They say it's a dog in the air - hope not! Landinggear was far to long - had to heat it up and rebend - crap! At least 1 inch to long, and wheels way to small. Looks Didnt get the markings :-( Miss them on this great scale-look. HOBBYKING - please send!

...and now I have had the partly pleasure of flying this beauty, and when I say partly, is it because the plane might look like an angle on the ground, but she is a devil in the air. It's a heavy plane, that needs huge groundspeed before taking off. Needs a lot of space, and not to bumpy field. Our airfield is a quite bumpy grassy field, and I have already had two stalls during take off. The plane needs lots of speed before taking that elevator back, and it also needs to be landed as a warbird. Fast directly to the ground with a late level out hanging just above the field waiting to loose speed to land - Very scale, and very difficult to fly.
It also tend to stall at quite high speed, so never fly this plane slowly. Stalls are fortunately quite forgiving, but not much fun just after take off or on the approa

Wildduck | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 27, 2012

NOT an ARF!!!
Looks great, and invites to further modfications for extra scale look. Great quality. I'm dying to have my first flight - just waiting for better weather. Haven't been able to find fligth reviews, but read some bad ones for a very similar plane from Golden Age Models. They say it's a dog in the air - hope not!
Landinggear was far to long - had to heat it up and rebend - crap! At least 1 inch to long, and wheels way to small. Looks
Didnt get the markings :-( Miss them on this great scale-look. HOBBYKING - please send!

Vandoos | Comprador verificado

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Aug 28, 2012

It is a good deal but expect many ajustments and improvised solutions to make it fit! Not for beginners!

Vandoos | Comprador verificado

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Aug 22, 2012

So far I'm impressed by the quality of the product.
So far I have a problem with the length of the landing gear
(approx 1inch too long).
I recommend this model, it IS beautiful and I'm sure that the tiny problems will be ironed out soon!

herofromzero | Comprador verificado

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Aug 08, 2012

First look, Box come to Turkey in one piece, Fuse building quality is good but has little snags, Wheel diam is about 40mm but wheel pant could get 50 or 55 mm diam wheel, t has slick looking tail but wing servo holders not hided under wing , it need a little bit work to hide them. Overall Building quality very good for 88,56 $ plane. ll build it with ASP fs 30 in near future, t has a plenty room for 250 ml fuel tank and big enough cowl for glow engines.

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