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Silicona deflector de escape 85 mm - 8 mm ID w / sellador Plug

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Silicona deflector de escape 85 mm - 8 mm ID w / sellador Plug


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Silicona deflector de escape 85 mm - 8 mm ID w / sellador Plug

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RAJIB | Comprador verificado

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Silicone exhaust Deflector

Jul 17, 2017

This silicon exhaust deflector is perfect for 40 to 50 size engines, I am going to use it for OS 46AX II engine. This is kind of fit and forget type accessories for your model aircraft. The sealer plug is very useful while you store model at home, it stops dripping oil at home from muffler. Recommended product.

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 15, 2014

I fly both electric motor and nitro ( glow ) engine powered aircraft so I purchased this muffler exhaust deflector to further reduce the amount of spent fuel spewed onto my nitro powered aircraft. It's a good quality deflector made of a silicon based material and I would say equal to or exceeds what you would find in the available name brand ones but at a fraction of their price. I generally purchase items from the Hobby King ( HK ) International warehouse ( Hong Kong ) which I am unable to get from my local HK warehouse, or if it's more cost effective, and this item was one of them. I received my package of items in only 10-days with low cost but reliable Swiss Post Direct Channel shipping, which also included excellent package tracking.

Bugsmasher | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 13, 2014

I had next size up for My OS 50 but it was a bit loose on my Magnum 46. This one fit snug on the 46 and is great for the price.

Dean Blair | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 22, 2014

Do the job well. Keeps the oil etc off the covering. Thanks HK!

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 31, 2012

ery good product, this cover is useful for which prevents fuel dripping during transport.

shellby0351 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 30, 2012

excellent product check out the files for size!!

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