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Solo Pro 328 de 4 canales helicóptero fijo Pitch - Rojo (RTF)

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Solo Pro 328 de 4 canales helicóptero fijo Pitch - Rojo (RTF)


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Sin embargo, otro gran producto de la línea de Nine Eagles de micro helis, el Solo Pro 328 es el paquete completo para el nuevo piloto de helicóptero y pilotos experimentados.

Si usted es un primer contador de tiempo, la intensificación de un coaxial, o un piloto experimentado que busca una experiencia de baja tensión del vuelo, el Solo Pro 328 es para usted! Este helicóptero es ligeramente más grande que la mayoría de los otros modelos de paso fijo micro en el mercado hoy en día, añadiendo a ella es stablility de. Con él es fácil de manejar características de vuelo, estará en el aire y impresionar a sus amigos en poco tiempo.

Además, una característica única de este modelo es de dos modos de vuelo seleccionables - "primarios" y "avanzados". modo primario es la configuración predeterminada y se recomienda para el vuelo de interior y menos experimentados pilotos, ya que ofrece más suave y más fácil de controlar las características de vuelo. El modo avanzado ofrece una curva del motor y la respuesta más agresiva y está bien recomendado para los pilotos más experimentados.

El Solo Pro 328 está totalmente montada. Todo lo que se necesita para que hacer es cargar la batería con el cargador de tasa variable incluida, insertar las pilas AA en la radio, y su listo para volar.

El transmisor de 2,4 GHz incluido con los ajustes digitales ofrece la interferencia de vuelo libre, y se puede convertir fácilmente del modo 1 al modo 2 en unos 30 segundos. Un juego de repuesto de cuchillas principales y de la cola vienen con el kit para ayudarle a volver en el aire si tiene alguna baches.

Diámetro del rotor: 12,91 "(328 mm)
Longitud total: 14.17 "(360mm)
Peso: 3,8 oz (108 g)
Sistema de alimentación: 180 Motor (motor principal)
Motor de la cola: sin núcleo cepillado
Batería: 1 de células 3.7V 500mAh Lipo
Cargador: 3.7V Lipo cargador de Tasa Variable
Tipo Transmisor: Modo 1 ó 2 (seleccionable por el usuario)

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Gvieira | Comprador verificado

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Oct 11, 2012

I received the nine eagle today and for my surprise the canopy was broken. The helo looks good not yet tested. I had to replace the power plug from the charger. Here in Brazil we do not use this style of plug

nayls | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 30, 2012

Have had the solopro for about a month now and its an amazing heli . Great step up from coaxils . Ordered 2 nanotech 600ma batterys for it and they are as good as the origional and easier to slide in to the battery holder . Canopy is pretty weak and has broken . New one arrived but will keep old one on all taped up at the moment . Our dog tried to eat the rotor in mid flight and broke the fly bar so ordered 2 new ones and other rotor parts . arrived yesterday . very cheap and good shipping time .

Irubble | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 22, 2012

Amazing heli to fly indoor. It is simple and easy to fly and it come complete as in the picture.

Will | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 21, 2012

Received this heli a couple of weeks ago, pretty happy with its performance. Only bad thing is the swash plate breaks easily, solved the problem by buying and upgraded metal swash plate from miracle mart.

Emilio | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 08, 2012

Graet helicopter! For start your semi pro flying this is just great! now Im moving on to the 3D one.

angry customer | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 24, 2012

I have been trying to ask 2 simple questions about the 328 a helicopter for 5 freaking days now and hobbyking continues to ignore me. Do not order anything valuable or that you can not afford to wait an extreme time for from this company. I tried to order over the phone and they have closed their phone lines completely to avoid having to face all the angry customers. Their customer service is a joke.

erman | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 13, 2012

cok gzel helikopter zevkle uurabilirsiniz ok stabil yeni balayanlar iin tavsiye ederim hobbyking en iyi fiyat bence oniki gnde elime ulat alacak olan arkadalar hi dnmeden aln teekkrler hobbyking

Gord | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 04, 2012

The Solo Pro 328a is a easy to fly and good quality fixed pitch heli. The canopy does break easily but can be repaired with clear tape from the inside. The stock flybar is too light to stabilize the 328 in a fast, banked turn, resulting in sliding out and crashing. For moderate flying, though, it is a great little heli. Add a little weight to the flybar if you want to fly more agressively.

V-Man | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 13, 2011

Just got the Solo Pro 328, upgrading from a smaller coax micro-copter. Nice presentation amazing, actually, for the price and the helicopter has a satisfying weight to it, despite the thin canopy.

I would have given five crowns for quality if not for said canopy (I don't see it surviving a serious impact), plastic parts throughout the mechanism and, most unforgivable, a LiPo charger with Asia-type prongs (I'm in North America). Gotta buy a travel adapter, then it's on for serious indoor/outdoor flying!

I did manage a short one-minute flight on the charge in the battery. Very agile and fun. Very noisy, however. More later as I have a chance to check out the full range of flying characteristics.

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