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Spedix S250Q la fibra del carbón que compite con aviones no tripulados w / AP CC3D Motor ESC Propulsores (ARF)

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Spedix S250Q la fibra del carbón que compite con aviones no tripulados w / AP CC3D Motor ESC Propulsores (ARF)


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Spedix S250Q la fibra del carbón que compite con aviones no tripulados w ​​/ AP CC3D Motor ESC Propulsores (ARF)

¿Estás alimentar en marcha con la construcción y en busca de un gran valor de 250 aviones no tripulados que no necesita de la construcción? A continuación, el Spedix S250Q es el avión no tripulado para usted. Viene con todas las grandes características que incluyen motores ya instalados Sunnsky, controladores de velocidad, controlador de vuelo Spedix CC3D y Spedix PDB todo en un marco de Spedix alta calidad.

El controlador de vuelo CC3D proporciona una sensación más clara cuando se hace el vuelo extrema. Los Spedix ESC del programa se sellan con SimonK para una respuesta rápida, aceleración suave, de baja temperatura de funcionamiento. También están equipadas con un LED rojo o verde brillante de hacer que sea fácil determinar la orientación de la multirotor. Los motores Sunnsky le dan una gran vuelta de la velocidad.

La alta calidad de la fibra de carbono puro y construcción de alta resistencia marco de resina ABS mejora tanto la manipulación y resistencia a los impactos. El peso ligero ayuda con el manejo de levantarse e ir y ágil.

El Spedix S250Q se suministra con un conjunto completo de accesorios, adaptadores de hélice y todos los elementos y accesorios.

• Potentes motores Sunnysky 2204 2300KV
• Sistema de control de vuelo CC3D pre-sintonizado
• CES programa Ronda 12A SimonK
• placa de distribución de alimentación (con conector XT60)
• El resplandor con el programa SimonK, respuesta rápida, suave del acelerador
• Tiene un brillante luces LED para indicar la orientación de un multirotor
• La fibra de carbono puro y de alta resistencia de la construcción de resina ABS

Especificaciones del kit del marco:
Materiales: fibra de carbono puro y resina ABS de alta resistencia
Distancia entre ejes: 280 mm
Dimensiones: 260x195x90mm
Peso del capítulo: 143g

Especificaciones del motor:
Nombre del artículo: Sunnysky motor sin escobillas 2204 2300kv
Altura: 28 mm (hasta la punta del eje)
Ancho: 27mm
Peso: 21g
Batería: 2-3S Lipo
RPM: 2300KV

Especificaciones de la placa de distribución de alimentación:
Entrada: 3-4s Lipo
Salida: 5V @ 3A y 3A 12V @
Dimensiones: 50x50x5.5mm
Peso: 22,5 g (incluya placa de aluminio)

Regulador de vuelo Especificaciones:
Tipo: CC3D
Voltaje de entrada: 4.8-6.0V
Dimensiones: 39x39x12mm
Peso: 14g

ESC Especificaciones:
Nombre del artículo: Ronda 12A ESC
Voltaje de entrada: 2-4S batería LiPoly
Corriente continua: 12A (18A Max @ 10S)
Dimensiones: Φ23x5.5mm (excluyendo el condensador)
Peso: 13,5 g
Firmware: SimonK

Juego de Estructura 1 x S250Q
controlador de vuelo CC3D 1 x
4 x 2204 motores sin escobillas 2300KV
2 x CES programa de Ronda 12A SimonK con LED rojo
2 x CES programa de Ronda 12A SimonK con LED verde
1 panel de distribución de energía (con conectores XT60)
2 x 5045 hélice cw
hélice de 2 x 5045 CCW
1 x Juego de separadores para el regulador y la distribución de alimentación de la placa
Correa 1 x batería

1300-2200mah batería 3S LiPoly
5-6 canal TX / RX

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Brian | Comprador verificado

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Excellent flier; kit went together well; excellent value on Spedix S250Q racing quad.

Apr 07, 2018

I bought this during the warehouse sale. ARF is a bit of a misnomer, as it is no where near Almost Ready to Fly. It's a kit. It took me about 5 hours to assemble and program. I was a little worried when I discovered that OpenPilot is GONE (the interface for the CC3D board included with the kit. LibrePilot has replaced OpenPilot. I had to flash the board with new firmware. No problem doing the flash. When the flash was done the board the the software coexisted peacefully. The "instructions" are VERY minimal. I do have one gripe...the "instructions" show motor #1 with a CCW that was the key to the way I set up the quad. When it lifted off, it whirled like a dervise on the yaw axis...all of the motor rotations were backwards. Easiest solution was to remove the two front arm assemblies and swap them side to side...then do the same thing with the back two arms. Back outside and this time it flew flawlessly. I have about 1 hours flight time on it now, still on the props that came with it. Plenty of power. Flying on 3s 2200mah. Getting about 15 minutes with gentle flying. I estimate speed to be about 50mph with the 3 cell. Haven't tried a 4 cell yet, but I'm guessing maybe 70mph? Very smooth, steady, and precise in the air. Flying FPV with a Caddx camera and goggles. With the sale price, this provides tremendous bang for the buck. The "regular" price is still a great deal. Start figuring what it would cost to buy 4 motors, 4 ESC's, frame kit, power distribution board, CC3d FC board, props, etc. It would cost you twice what the kit costs. Comes with SunnySky motors which are working very well. As per my usual process, I used loctite on all metal to metal screw connections. NO screws stripped or failed to secure. Some of the button head screws were a sloppy fit with a 1.5mm allen wrench and I had to use a 1/16" wrench instead; minor annoyance. Nothing has vibrated loose. Used tiny drop of elmers white glue to secure the nylon standoffs.

Sky | Comprador verificado

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Really enjoy flying Spedix S250Q Quad

Apr 04, 2018

Purchased this on sale, wasn't to sure about it from reviews. My experience has been great. I did have some screws that the sockets were different (2.5mm x 10mm) some I used a 2 mm and a 1/16" wrench. I watched videos online to see how to assemble quad and program flight controller. The props that come with it will break very easy. (They are identical to the Gemfan props) I purchased the Dalprops with bull nose and they work very well. Overall I really like it for money I paid. ($41.36)

Jan | Comprador verificado

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great for beginners with engineering skill, if price is low

Jan 24, 2018

i did not plan to become a drone pilot, but I bought it to get free shipping.
It took me quite a while to get it running.
I am using:
- Taranis Q X7
- a XSR-M receiver
- GPS module to geht flight data no the Transmitter
- 3S 2200mAh 30-60C Lipo
My Story:
I finally installed librePilot on my PC, then USB connection worked, flashed it, configured it, used it, crahsed it, fixed it, flight it again, added GPS, more flying.
- QUAlITY could be better. As others wrote, some of the screws are screwd up. But hey, 2 out of 4 are enough to hold it together :D :D
- Carbon frame is very fragile mine broke
- Pylons are heavy plastics
- manual is much too brief
- flight computer did not work out of the box for me
+ if you got it flying, it is great fun. it got actually some power
+ very cheap => good VALUE
+ very cheap spare parts (frame)
+ programmable flight controller
+ nice LED looks
If you wanna seriously fly races => get some high quality stuff.
If you wanna start doing stuff with drones and you know how to set up things => go for it!
If you need to find something more in your cart to get free hong-kong shipping => go for it!

Anthony | Comprador verificado

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Jun 28, 2016

All of my screws stripped as-well. I tried multiple different wrench sets on each fresh screw just trying to get a decent snug tight before they would spin loose and strip. (I tried standard wrenchs too but these are made for metric).

On my 5th flight with a fresh battery after a 5 minute break from flying the previous battery I tookoff to test my video range over a lake. In less than a minute of flight time as I was returning to myself, all rotors stopped dead. My CC3D board gave out on the 3rd flight and it plummeted into the lake. Complete loss. I ordered this kit a week ago for $76.99, since then HK has increased the cost to $142.43
A nice little slap on the face to cap off this whole experience. Even though I have a bunch of spare parts I doubt I will ever build a Spedix again.

Alexthenoob | Comprador verificado

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Jan 10, 2016

every screw i used on the body stripped before even being tight. this is a new level for the disgusting quality of screws hobbyking provide. I installed 1 arm wrong and cannot remove it because these screws have just worm away leaving no groove at all. i don't even know how it is possible and if you spend 500 years in china looking down ever shady shop you will not find worse quality screws.

All hobby flyers know what the importance of good quality parts are and also one of the motor caps were missing so i need to get reverse threaded lock nuts....wonderful

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