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Spitfire sin escobillas (PNF)

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Spitfire sin escobillas (PNF)


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Este pequeño Spitfire no es probable que ganar cualquier competición escala o para el caso, hará más atractivo para el sexo opuesto o lograr la paz mundial, pero, es un pequeño gran volante, el valor honesto, sencillo y muy bien de precio, en realidad para una modelo de enchufe N de la mosca, es una ganga!

El bajo-carro se conecte, por lo que puede entregar al lanzamiento si así lo desea, si usted hace uso de la sub-carro y luego se le complace que el Spit tiene 4 Control de canales y que significa una rueda de cola orientable. La mayor parte del trabajo está hecho para usted, el motor, ESC, todos los servos están incluidos así que realmente no hay mucho que hacer, el trabajo más largo está cortando el dosel! Pegamento, herramientas y todo lo necesario, excepto su propio TX / RX y Lipo se incluyen, se trata de una gran cantidad de "Warbird" para no un montón de dinero en efectivo, ideal para esos días parkflyer tranquilas.

Envergadura: 876mm
Superficie de las alas: 13.8dm2
Longitud: 720 mm
Peso: 390 g
Motor: 2410 1300kv sin escobillas Outrunner
ESC: 20A
Servos: 3x9g

Todo Hardware
Herramientas y pegamento
2 x Hélice
Foto Instrucción Boooklet

4 canales TX y RX
11.1V 1000mah 3S Lipo

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Neoflite | Comprador verificado

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Aug 16, 2013

Bought this one just to try it out. My other cheap plane (HK mini P-51D) turned out to be a great flyer.
Plane is well packaged, but a small tip of the rudder was broken. Nothing serious, just glued it on. Motor mount was loose, and this was a bit of an issue. There is no way you can tighten the screw holding the motor mount without piercing a hole in the plane, so that`s what I did. Problem solved.
The rudder hinges are painted together with the plane. This makes them very stiff. Fixable by adding a bit of oil and moving it back and forward 100 times.
I haven`t balanced the plane out yet, but it seems it`ll need a lot of weight in the nose. I got some 1300mAh Nanotechs put all the way forward (removed some foam to do that) and it still seems a bit tail-heavy. So a bigger battery or motor might be the way to go. The original spinner should help with that as well, because it is really heavy. Mine is warped and unusable, so I put a 45mm Turnigy on (look pretty cool).
So far, this plane needs a lot more work to get it to fly compared to the HK P-51. Since I haven`t flown the Spit yet, I can`t tell about flying characteristics, but I will report back when I`ve put her up. The plane looks pretty terrible for a Spit, but since I`m not a member of the scale police, it looks fine to me, especially considering the price.

BRIAN | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 23, 2012

Really nice plane. Awesum to fly. Bugger I can't fly, and crashed after 30 seconds and damaged the front and wing. Would be nice if hobby king had spare parts for this plane. Apart from that love it. Am buying another to replace the one I damaged.

Jocelyn | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 18, 2011

Really nice plane, fly very fast and vertical are strong. The bad thing are a little cheap but for That price!! For the CG i have add 90g betwen the prop and motor on the shift, a mtal brushing. I fly with a 1000 mha zyppy and the flight Time is around 12 min. This plane fly on the rail, CAN fly in wind. The landing is a little hard, the nose tip easily but it' a warbird!!! I have many warbird from parkzone and this one is one of m'y prefered plane, is small and very strong, i have renforced the landing gear and the motor mount. Great plane, go for it!!! Excuse for m'y english

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