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Receptor 2.4Ghz 6CH TGY 9X (FHSS)

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Receptor 2.4Ghz 6CH TGY 9X (FHSS)


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Receptor 2.4Ghz 6CH TGY 9X (FHSS)


Tamaño: 46 mm * 25 mm * 16 mm
Voltaje: 4,8 V - 6V
rango: más de 2100 m
Corriente de funcionamiento: 30 mA
Sensibilidad: -100 dBm
22ms de latencia:

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durtbag | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 18, 2009

Works fine, identical in size to the 8 channel RX. I haven't had any glitching or interference on my models, however I suspect while this RX was powered it was the culprit of causing interference briefly on my friends 72 mhz model until I restarted mine after his was powered on.

Cliente | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 10, 2009

Nice price and good woks. Hobbyking make a good deal. Really nice price to buy!

johnkim | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 09, 2009

Good work. Now Turnigy receivers are listed under one roof together with Turnigy transmitter.

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